“A Glossary of Debt Terminologies”
Providing assistance to those in need. All developing countries need more money to be able to reduce poverty, provide healthcare, educaon and services for their cizens.
Balance of Trade
The financial difference between imports and exports. Bank for Internaonal Se:lements (BIS): the world‐wide organizaon of central banks. The BIS played an important role in the early stages of the debt crises a5er 1982, by providing bridging loans to major debtor countries whose IMF programs had been delayed by negoaons with commercial banks on new money loans. These bridging loans were repaid from the first drawings from the Fund when program came into effect.
A form of debt which is transferable between creditors, and bears interest at a fixed or floang rate. ( A special case is the zero‐coupon bond used in some dent reducon packages under the Brady Iniave). Bonds are generally repaid in a single installment, and/or o5en bought by individuals or by other financial instuons rather than by commercial banks, which have historically tended to prefer forms of lending such as syndicated loans.
Islamic Relief Pakistan [n.d], Pakistan continues to pay a heavy cost for the reckless borrowing, Islamic Relief Pakistan, Islamabad [Online], available at: http://www.islamic-relief.org.pk/