Key Findings from Mali, Niger and Pakistan [2016-2017]
This report is a summary of our key findings from a project that aimed to prevent GBV and provide support to survivors in three countries. The project, ‘Integrated Approach to GBV and CP in Humanitarian Action in Mali, Niger and Pakistan,’ was funded by Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) and implemented by Islamic Relief from 1 June 2016 to 31 May 2017. 1 It was a unique project for us in that it combined a GBV focus with a Child Protection (CP) approach to help us address issues of abuse, discrimination and inequality more effectively. Taking an integrated approach allowed us to build on our institutional expertise and ultimately provide a better outcome for women and children in particular girls.
Najah Almugahed, Iman S. Pertek and Neelam Fida (2017) Integrating Protection: An Integrated Approach to Gender-Based Violence and Child Protection, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Birmingham, UK.