Humanitarian Program

Scheme Overview

A 6-month work based learning opportunity through which graduates are assigned to an appropriate department and are offered a combination of practical work assignments and comprehensive training activities. Our Paid Internship Programme is an opportunity for graduate and post-graduate students from diverse academic backgrounds to undergo work experience within a truly global humanitarian organisation.

The Main Objectives

  • Provides aspiring humanitarians with a range of entry level work based learning opportunities through which individuals can develop their skills and understanding of working in the sector. Interns will be involved in day-to-day tasks, giving them a valuable insight into how humanitarian and development organisations run and function. Interns will take on roles and responsibilities that help equip them for entry level jobs within the sector.

Humanitarian Program

What Will You Learn?



What it means to work for a humanitarian or development organisation.



An understanding of some of the different types of roles in a humanitarian or development organisation.



Some of the duties of entry level humanitarian employees, equipping them with the skills and experience needed to enter the sector.



You will be given responsibilities that will enable you to create results which can prove to be very useful when applying for a job.

Who Is This Scheme For?

How to know if our leadership programme is for you:

  • Enthusiastic, highly-motivated, dynamic Interns who believe in our mission and share our values.

  • A recent graduate wanting to explore a career in the humanitarian sector, willing to learn with a positive attitude.