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Prevention of Blindness (POB) AJK


Concept Paper Considerable efforts are underway worldwide to minimize the huge backlog of curable blindness. The optimistic prospective may be 80% avoidable blindness out of the total global blindness. 90% of total visually impaired live in developing countries where eye care facilities are not adequately available that can deal with the menace of blindness in proportion with its incidence (continuously increasing new cases). The reasons include the lack of appropriate technology & human resources, lack of awareness and poor socioeconomic status being one of the major barriers to utilize the existing eye care services. Office Citation Islamic Relief Pakistan [n.d], [...]

Prevention of Blindness (POB) AJK2023-05-04T09:29:49+00:00

The Rights of Forced Migrants in Islam


Islam has a strong heritage of forced migrant protection, stemming from the original teachings of the Qur’an, as well as from historical examples taken from the lives of great Prophets – from Ibrahim (PBUH), to Musa (PBUH), to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This heritage includes strong – even stern – commands on the importance of seeking refuge if one is facing persecution, as well as on the duty of providing asylum to those who need it. It is a tradition which provides a robust and generous framework for the protection of and provision for forced migrants, enshrining rights such as the rights [...]

The Rights of Forced Migrants in Islam2023-05-04T09:26:44+00:00

Islamic charities and the ‘War on Terror’: dispelling the myths


Humanitarian Exchange (Number 38, June 2007) In the public mind, Islamic charity organisations have become little more than funding fronts for terrorism and jihad. Yet, despite allegations in television programmes, books and investigative reports in the UK, very little evidence has actually been forthcoming linking agencies or their staff with terrorist activity. Since 1998, the British government’s Charity Commission has conducted only 20 inquiries into suspected links with terrorism, ten of which have been dropped. One has led to the closure of a Tamil organisation linked to the LTTE in Sri Lanka. At the same time, the 1,000-plus Islamic charities and [...]

Islamic charities and the ‘War on Terror’: dispelling the myths2023-05-04T09:26:10+00:00

Humanitarian Aid, Independence and Innovation


In the aftermath of 9/11, governments have been increasingly inclined to make humanitarian action subordinate to broader political and military objectives. Since many non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are financially dependent upon governments, this raises issues related to their independence and neutrality.At worst, NGOs may be reduced to contract agencies, or even, as some politicians would wish, mere ‘force multipliers’ in the ‘global war on terror’. Does dependence upon government funding indeed equate with the erosion of institutional independence? Office Citation Khan,A & Eekelen, W. (2008). Humanitarian Aid, Independence and Innovation., Islamic Relief Worldwide, Birmingham, [Online] Available:

Humanitarian Aid, Independence and Innovation2023-05-04T09:19:21+00:00

Milk for Preschoolers Project


Islamic Relief intends to implement this project to alleviate the problems of malnutrition the children of Gaza Strip suffer. The main component will be the provision of fortified milk and high energy biscuits to preschool children on a daily basis. The preschools targeted are those in the marginalized and vulnerable areas of the Gaza Strip, particularly those near border areas prone to vulnerability from Israeli incursions and attack. Office Citation Islamic Relief Palestine [n.d], Milk for Preschoolers Project., Islamic Relief Palestine, Ramallah, [Online] Available:

Milk for Preschoolers Project2023-05-04T09:17:26+00:00

A Faith Based Toolkit for Islamic Relief: Working in a Conflict


Islamic Relief’s focus is on working with communities to build resilience and reduce risk to future disasters. The values that motivate us are rooted in Islam, our identity as an Islamic-based organisation can help us connect with and gain the trust of vulnerable Muslim communities. Our Islamic faith and commitment to community driven development have each inspired us to ask: What does it mean to be a Muslim INGO working in fragile or conflict environments? What inspiration and messages are provided for us by Islamic theology and history that can inform our approach to transforming conflict? Can this provide a stable [...]

A Faith Based Toolkit for Islamic Relief: Working in a Conflict2023-05-04T09:15:08+00:00

An Examination of Islamic Relief’s Work with Refugees and IDPs


  This paper analyses the experience of an international non-governmental organisation (INGO), Islamic Relief, in working with and for refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs). Although much relief work is carried out by faith-based organisations worldwide, and although religious identity is often an important factor in understanding communities, little work has been done to examine the work of faith-based organisations in the field of development in general (see Tomalin 2006; Thomas 2005), much less in terms of refugee assistance in particular. This paper attempts to fill part of that gap by examining the work of Islamic Relief as a faith-based organisation [...]

An Examination of Islamic Relief’s Work with Refugees and IDPs2023-05-04T09:10:48+00:00

Flooded and forgotten


The ongoing crisis threatening lives and livelihoods in Pakistan Last summer I saw for myself the devastating impact of the worst floods ever experienced in Pakistan. Over 18 million people were affected, 11 million of whom were forced from their homes. Houses were destroyed, livelihoods lost, hopes for the future shattered. Islamic Relief first provided tents, food and other emergency aid, then moved into a major programme of reconstruction. Our work has so far reached 585 villages, benefiting 428,000 people. Our involvement is an expression of the sense of justice and compassion that our faith inspires in us. “If anyone saved [...]

Flooded and forgotten2023-05-04T09:08:24+00:00

Community managed Village based water supply project


Mannar District is located in Northern part of Sri Lanka consisted of 05 DS divisions with a population of 107,876. The district represents different ethnic communities and cultures. The district was one of the heavily suffered war torn district as well affected by Tsunami and recently affected by floods. Now after the end of war the displaced communities are returning to their places of Origin. Ahathimurippu is one of the resettling village with the present population of 300 families struggling to sustain its returning community owing to lack of basic facilities specially with drinking water. Office Citation Islamic Relief Worldwide [...]

Community managed Village based water supply project2023-05-04T08:52:05+00:00

Islamic Relief: Faith and identity in Practice


Inspired by his Islamic faith, Dr Hany El Banna, an Egyptian immigrant, founded Islamic Relief (IR) in the UK in 1984. IR is a faith-based organisation (FBO) and the largest Muslim humanitarian aid organisation in the West. Faith is a major factor in shaping its identity as well as its values and choices. Islam indicates that each individual has a duty to care for the poor and is accountable for his or her deeds on earth. Therefore, it is important that the organisation abides by Islamic principles and values while contributing to fighting poverty. Faith defines the organisation’s identity; it influences [...]

Islamic Relief: Faith and identity in Practice2023-05-04T08:40:52+00:00
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