
How training helped me better support Yemeni communities and people in need


As the learning division of Islamic Relief, we have access to over 40 countries worldwide and therefore, we can support humanitarian workers around the world to build their skills and better serve their communities. Here, Ahmad Alhakami, a project officer at Islamic Relief, explains how we helped him support his fellow aid workers and communities in Yemen. As a project officer with Islamic Relief Yemen, my focus is on developing the capacity of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) that are local partners of Islamic Relief. Every day, I work towards empowering staff at these organisations through project management, field visits, and ensuring [...]

How training helped me better support Yemeni communities and people in need2024-06-04T18:51:22+00:00

Dhul Hijjah: Our 10 Best Days


Table of ContentsWhat is Dhul Hijjah? The virtues of Dhul HijjahRemembrance What is Dhul Hijjah? The month of Dhul Hijjah is one of the holiest periods of the Islamic year. The month of Dhul Hijjah is of increased spirituality, we witness two very special events which are Hajj and Eid ul Adha. These two events are devotion to Allah (SWT). Many people don’t know that the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah are better than all other days of the year including the days of Ramadan. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “There are no days on which righteous deeds are [...]

Dhul Hijjah: Our 10 Best Days2024-06-09T12:27:56+00:00

International Women’s Day 2021


Table of ContentsInternational Women’s Day 2021What is the history of International Women’s Day?Who are some influential women within the Humanitarian Sector?Buthaina Al AnsariMoza Bint NasserMichelle ObamaMalala Yousafzai International Women’s Day 2021 International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for hastening gender equality. Important action is seen all over the world, as groups unite to celebrate women’s achievements or rally for women’s equality. This year, the campaign theme for International Women’s Day 2021 is ‘Choose To Challenge’. This stems from women challenging themselves to [...]

International Women’s Day 20212024-06-07T18:18:25+00:00

International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation


  Table of Contents International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation What is Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)? Activists tackling FGM Jaha Dukureh- The Gambia Ifrah Ahmed- Somalia Ending FGM by 2030 International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation Female genital mutilation (FGM) is the ritual of cutting or removal of some or all of the external female genitalia. The practice is found in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and within communities worldwide where FGM is a common practice. It is estimated that more than 200 million women and girls worldwide have endured FGM and around 3 million [...]

International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation2024-06-07T17:42:47+00:00

Building the capacity of Local NGOs in Yemen


Building the capacity of Local NGOs in Yemen Training Needs Analysis (TNA) Yemen NGOs in Yemen Building the capacity of Local NGOs in Yemen Using our experience of delivering capacity building projects in conflict affected areas, HAD has recently begun implementation of a capacity development project in South Yemen.  The project will target LNGOs based in South Yemen and aim to provide capacity building services through the delivery of training and mentoring programmes in the areas of strategic planning and management, programme management and quality, donor relations and partnerships and financial management. As a result of the current COVID context, all [...]

Building the capacity of Local NGOs in Yemen2024-06-07T16:50:00+00:00

Remote capacity building of Iraqi, Syrian & Yemeni NGOs to adapt to the COVID-19 context


Table of Contents Remote capacity building  Scope of the capacity building project Capacity building project results Remote capacity building  The Programmes Department at the Humanitarian Academy for Development (HAD) has recently completed a project which aimed to build the capacity of LNGOs in three countries to adapt to the challenging COVID-19 context. The implementation of the project resulted in capacity building of 27 NGOs across the three countries, with 335 staff engaging in the coaching/mentoring, 117 capacity building activities and 246 days of mentoring and coaching.   Scope of the capacity building project The scope of the project was itself significant, [...]

Remote capacity building of Iraqi, Syrian & Yemeni NGOs to adapt to the COVID-19 context2024-06-13T16:56:14+00:00

Digital Activism: The Good, the Bad, the Future


Table of ContentsDigital ActivismWhat is Digital Activism?Tools and resourcesOnline Petitions:Social Media: Mobile phones: Blogs:Crowdfunding Platforms: Accessible in different global climatesGetting the message outExclusionSpeed and Half-LifeClicktivism, Opportunism & Echo ChambersOnline activism, offline impact Digital Activism Digital activism has transformed the way events, protests and movements are organised, helping to mobilise supporters and raise awareness of a diverse range of causes. But critics argue that people can feel like they’re making a difference, when in reality they’ve done very little. What is Digital Activism? Digital Activism is when digital tools such as the internet, social media, email and mobile phones are used for [...]

Digital Activism: The Good, the Bad, the Future2024-06-07T21:39:54+00:00

4 Ways Coronavirus Could Change the World


4 Ways Coronavirus Could Change the World1. Technology and cultural changes2. Working environments could change3. Health care goes digital4. Consumer spending habits are set to change 4 Ways Coronavirus Could Change the World June 10, 2020 Coronavirus has changed the world. You only need to turn on the news or even look out the window to witness this. But with no vaccine yet, how much of this is set to stay? And what cultural changes will come about from this new way of life? Below are four ways coronavirus could change the world. 1. Technology and cultural changes Since the virus [...]

4 Ways Coronavirus Could Change the World2024-05-26T17:22:45+00:00

Developing a Theory of Change Mindset


“theory of change is an on-going process of reflection to explore change and how it happens - and what that means for the part we play in a particular context, sector and/or group of people” (Comic Relief) Theory of Change (TOC)Theory of change as an approach to strategic planningContext is keyCOVID-19 as a period of reflectionDeveloping a TOC mind-set takes time Theory of Change (TOC) Thinking about Theory of Change (TOC) can often conjure up images of complex and complicated drawings, lines stretching across the page making connections across multiple areas, and generally looking like an indecipherable secret message. However, it [...]

Developing a Theory of Change Mindset2024-05-26T17:52:38+00:00

HAD Recommends: 5 Ways to Fundraise During COVID-19


As the world went into lockdown to help prevent the spread of coronavirus, many NGOs and charities had to cancel their fundraising activities to abide by social distancing rules. However, there are still opportunities for fundraising, we just need to adapt and be creative! Here are 5 ways to fundraise during COVID-19. 5 Ways to Fundraise During COVID-191. Adapt planned events2. Use Instagram Live3. Create a fundraising challenge based around lockdown4. Host an online fundraising quiz5. Don’t stop contact 5 Ways to Fundraise During COVID-19 1. Adapt planned events While traditional fundraising events, such as marathons or coffee mornings, are no [...]

HAD Recommends: 5 Ways to Fundraise During COVID-192024-05-26T18:22:51+00:00
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