
Palestinians in Yarmouk: Refugees once again


When your home is being destroyed, and your life and the lives of your children and loved ones are threatened, you have no time to think and few choices. You have to try to get everyone somewhere safe—away from the bombing, bullets, and other immediate threats as soon as possible. But then you find yourself displaced in shelters and camps, with very little to no food, water, money, work, sanitation, or supplies. And then other threats to your children’s lives become very real, very fast, like starvation, disease and dehydration. These are threats you can’t run from … What do you [...]

Palestinians in Yarmouk: Refugees once again2023-05-01T10:30:53+00:00

Lessons from Islamic Finance for socially, economically and environmentally just outcomes in the Financing for Sustainable Development process


From its earliest beginnings in the Rio+ 20 conference, the Post 2015 Process has emphasised the importance of addressing rising inequality within and between nations. However, proposals for reform of the global economic system – the weaknesses of which were laid bare following the 2008 financial and economic crisis – have not advocated strongly enough for the transformative changes that are necessary for a more inclusive, socially just economic system that places human well-being rather than resource exploitation is at its core. Investing in people is imperative for a more just future. Office http://policy.islamic-relief.com/ Citation Islamic Relief Worldwide Policy & Programmes [...]

Lessons from Islamic Finance for socially, economically and environmentally just outcomes in the Financing for Sustainable Development process2023-05-01T10:22:10+00:00

Does Faith Matter? An Examination of Islamic Relief’s Work with Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons


 This paper analyses the experience of an international non-governmental organisation (INGO), Islamic Relief, in working with and for refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs). Although much relief work is carried out by faith-based organisations worldwide, and although religious identity is often an important factor in understanding communities, little work has been done to examine the work of faith-based organisations in the field of development in general (see Tomalin 2006; Thomas 2005), much less in terms of refugee assistance in particular. This paper attempts to fill part of that gap by examining the work of Islamic Relief as a faith-based organisation (FBO) [...]

Does Faith Matter? An Examination of Islamic Relief’s Work with Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons2023-05-01T10:13:57+00:00

Islamic Philanthrophy, Development and Wellbeing


Islamic philanthropy has been experiencing much shifting terrain with respect to its role of promoting wellbeing. The term Islamic philanthropy is used here to refer to private goods given in accordance with Islamic ordinances of charitable giving for public purposes. Islamic philanthropy is to be differentiated from philanthropy in Muslim communities, which can be private giving for public purposes that may or may not be driven by a fulfilment of religious ordinances and which may also be organised by non-Muslim denominations living in Muslim societies. Understanding Islamic philanthropy is particularly challenging in view of the fact that most Islamic philanthropy is [...]

Islamic Philanthrophy, Development and Wellbeing2024-06-12T20:12:35+00:00

Thousands flee South Lebanon


More than half a million refugees have fled Southern Lebanon, as a consequence of the current intensified military bombardment. Most of them are old people, women and children. Their numbers are increasing daily and continue to worsen. Office http://www.islamic-relief.org/ Citation Islamic Relief Worldwide [n.d], Thousands flee South Lebanon

Thousands flee South Lebanon2023-05-01T10:00:24+00:00

Partnership (Autumn 2001, Issue 18)


Disaster A humanitarian disaster of catastrophic proportions has engulfed the ordinary people of Afghanistan. Up to 8 million people face severe food shortages or starvation. Recent events come against backdrop of 4 years of drought and two decades of war. As the bitter Afghani winter approaches, Islamic Relief's emergency staff have joined the desperate race to pre-position supplies of food, water, blankets, tents and basic healthcare. Office http://www.islamic-relief.org/ Available upon request Citation Islamic Relief Worldwide (2001), Partnership (Autumn 2001, Issue no.18)

Partnership (Autumn 2001, Issue 18)2023-05-01T09:38:43+00:00

Partnership (Winter 1999, Issue 14)


Once again we await the arrival of the best of guests into our homes. A guest carrying gifts, his hands full of reward, blessings and forgiveness for those wishing to take full advantage of this golden opportunity. Intrigued as to who this guest is? The guest is the holy month of Ramadhan. Yes, it is the best guest, containing the best days and the best moments of our life. Millions of Muslims around the world take full advantage of its presence, whilst remembering those less fortunate through the giving of Zakat, Zakatul Fitra or Fitrana donations and feeding the needy. Office [...]

Partnership (Winter 1999, Issue 14)2023-05-01T09:27:30+00:00

Keiner muss hungern


Ramadhan 2015 Segen im Ramadan für Umm Abdullah und ihre Familie UmmAbdullah, 68 Jahrealt,stammt aus Syrien und musste aufgrund des Krieges nach Jordanien fliehen.Sie erzählt:„ Als wir wegen der Bombardierungen fliehen mussten, verloren wir all unseren Besitz und unsere Lebens-grundlage. Alles,was uns bleibt,sind unsere Träume. Office http://www.islamicrelief.de/ Citation Islamic Relief Deutschland (2015), Keiner muss hungern, Ramadhan Broschüre 2015, [Online], Available at: http://www.islamicrelief.de/fileadmin/user_upload/pdf/2015/IRD_Ramadan-Broschuere_2015.pdf

Keiner muss hungern2023-05-01T09:18:45+00:00

Dein Hilf Zählt (Ehrenamt Broschüre)


Bedürftige benötigen deine Hilfe! interessiert du dich für, was in der Welt passiert. Möchtest du etwas für Notleidenden und Bedürftigen tun und so ihr Leid lindern? Office http://www.islamicrelief.de/ CItation Islamic Relief Deutschland (2014), Dein Hilf Zählt (Ehrenamt Broschüre)

Dein Hilf Zählt (Ehrenamt Broschüre)2023-05-01T09:08:02+00:00

Islamic Relief Deutschland Selbstdarstellung


Islamic Relief Deutschland, 1996 in Köln gegründet, ist eine international tätige Hilfsorganisation. Dank des weltweiten Netzwerkes von Partner- und Projektbüros in mehr als 40 Ländern erreicht sie mit ihren Nothilfe- und Entwicklungsprojekten bedürftige Menschen in Afrika, Asien, Nahost und Osteuropa. Die Gründungsgeschichte von Islamic Relief geht zurück auf das Jahr 1984 und begann mit der Hungersnot am Horn von Afrika. Office http://www.islamicrelief.de/ Citation Islamic Relief Deutschland (2014), Selbstdarstellung, [Online], Available: http://www.islamicrelief.de/fileadmin/user_upload/IRD_Selbstdarstellung_2014_DE/IRD_Selbstdarstellung_2014_DE.pdf

Islamic Relief Deutschland Selbstdarstellung2023-05-01T08:57:37+00:00
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