
Partnership (Autumn 2001, Issue 18)


With the needy HRH the Prince of Wales visited Islamic Relief on 1st of November in recognition of its humanitarian aid efforts in Afghanistan at its UK Head Office in London. The visit included hearing a first hand account of the crisis from Sikander Ali, Islamic Relief's Country Representative for Afghanistan. The Prince emphasised his support for the "wonderful work being done by Islamic Relief to alleviate the terrible suffering of the refugees in Afghanistan. Office http://www.islamic-relief.org/uk Available upon request Citation Islamic Relief UK (2001), Partnership (Autumn 2001, Issue 18)

Partnership (Autumn 2001, Issue 18)2023-05-01T07:10:02+00:00

Waqf Future Fund


Islamic Relief presents Waqf Future Fund Islamic Relief's Waqf Future Fund is aimed at reviving the great tradition of setting up a charity that continues to benefit the needy for generations to come. Popular forms of continuous charity for many people include donating towards building of a water well or a school. The Waqf scheme takes this idea further and allows people to support numerous schools and wells. The third revised edition of the Waqf information pack is designed to help you understand and appreciate the elegance of Waqf. As a result of feedback from the previous two editions, we have [...]

Waqf Future Fund2023-04-30T14:22:45+00:00

Partnership (Summer 2006, Issue 29)


Africa food crisis On the dusty barren plains of Mandera in north-east Kenya I saw sights I will never forget. I watched humans and animals drink the same dirty, disease-infested water, desperate to quench their thirst. I saw rotten animal carcasses scattered everywhere with frightening frequency. The villagers and pastoralists for whom this is home carry a look of fear and anguish. Every day they watch helplessly as their livestock die. They have dug as deep as they can to find water and what they find is not fit to drink. But they do not have the luxury of choice. Office [...]

Partnership (Summer 2006, Issue 29)2023-04-30T14:22:57+00:00

Partnership (Autumn 2003, Issue 22)


IR in Iraq Islamic Relief started its operations in Iraq in April 1996, when a mission visited the country for the first time to assess the humanitarian situation and implement a food distribution programme. It went on to implement three major relief projects, the Leukaemia Treatment Project, the Hospital Hygiene Project and the Food Aid Programme, which has, over the years, supplied food to over 200,000. In 1998 Islamic Relief began studying other possible options of intervention such as rehabilitation of schools, hospitals and water treatment plants. Office http://www.islamic-relief.org/ Availble upon request Citation Islamic Relief Worldwide (2003), Partnership (Autumn 2003, Issue [...]

Partnership (Autumn 2003, Issue 22)2023-04-30T14:20:47+00:00

An Islamic Perspective on Economic and Social Justice


The Muslim world has a proud tradition of providing economic and social justice to their diverse citizenry during their ubiquitous leadership of the early Islamic period. To be relevant today and into the future, however, developing Muslim societies will need to re-examine their currently Euro-centric understanding and model of social advancement and strive to serve global equity through a more balanced philosophy, one that acknowledges their rich cultural heritage whilst simultaneously embracing the need for modernisation and economic advancement. Thus, the contemporary strategist in the Arab and Muslim world needs to reflect on the contribution to development of civilisation of early [...]

An Islamic Perspective on Economic and Social Justice2023-04-30T14:20:18+00:00

The Overreaction against Islamic Charities


The title of this article may be tempting fate. The British counter-terrorist services have reported that the financial trail leading to the 7 July 2005 attacks on London included direct or indirect links to eight unspecified charities. A single major terrorist outrage anywhere in the world, clearly funded through abuse of an established Muslim charity, would decisively blacken the reputation of the whole sector. However, from the evidence available at the time of writing, one of the repercussions of 9/11 has been hyper scrutinization of Islamic charities by the United States government that uncomfortably recalls the McCarthy period. Office http://www.leidenuniv.nl/ External [...]

The Overreaction against Islamic Charities2023-04-30T14:05:37+00:00

Partnership (Spring 2007, Issue 31)


Drought, floods and climate change The reality of climate change is now widely acknowledged. The weather is getting hotter, the weather is becoming more extreme and floods, drought and natural disasters are increasing. All these changes disproportionately affect poor communities, putting their lives and livelihoods at risk. What is climate change? It is a change in the natural climate of the earth, which currently means that the earth is getting hotter. The earth's temperature needs to be kept constant for life to exist but over the years this natural balance has been affected. Office http://www.islamic-relief.org/ Available upon request Citation Islamic Relief [...]

Partnership (Spring 2007, Issue 31)2023-04-30T14:20:05+00:00

Partnership (Autumn 2004, Issue no. 27)


Afghanistan's children of war Thousands of orphans in Afghanistan are living with images of violence imprinted on their minds. If we could capture the events they have witnessed on film, it would not be a movie we could show our children, even in the comfort of their own homes. The orphans of Afghanistan have no comfort zone they can call home, and there has been no censorship of what life has thrown at them. Death, destruction, destitution - they have seen it, endured it and now live with the consequences every day. In this new issue of Partnership, we share with [...]

Partnership (Autumn 2004, Issue no. 27)2023-04-30T14:19:48+00:00

Child Welfare Programme


Every child dreams of going to school and making a better life for him or herself. Just like adults, children need support; they need a supportive environment in which they can fulfill their dreams. This is especially so for orphans, the poor and marginalised. By supporting children who have suffered tragic losses, IR through its CWP, is contributing to build up the next generation of teachers, entrepreneurs and leaders. The inclusion of poor orphans and marginalised children is not only a matter of social justice and the realisation of universal human rights; it is an essential investment in the future of [...]

Child Welfare Programme2023-04-30T14:19:40+00:00

Syria: Two Years, Two long


Key recommendations for easing the suffering of the Syrian people Our report draws on Islamic Relief’s first hand experience inside Syria and in the refugee camps of neighbouring Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon, as well as building upon programmes and consultation with various aid agencies. The report illustrates how the intensifying conflict – which escalated from civilian demonstrations two years ago – increasingly exacerbates the humanitarian crisis and directly affects over four million Syrians today. The United Nations (UN) has recently declared Syria a ‘Level 3 Emergency’, categorising the crisis as a global priority. This underlines the need for concrete action to [...]

Syria: Two Years, Two long2023-04-30T13:41:44+00:00
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