
Remodelling Donor Behaviour


Islamic Relief Academy In this programmes, Abdulbaset Hamadi investigated faith-based donor behaviour in detail, remodelled it and proposed a new, practical model; generally applicable, though particularly suitable for Islamic institutions and donor circumstances specific to Muslim charitable giving. Additionally through his programmes into donor recipient interaction, Abdulbaset has recognised significant issues with respect to donor retention and has proposed solutions for receiving organisations to address these problems. He has articulated the importance that charities need to place on donor behaviour; why donors give to specific causes and not to others; and understood the determinants driving decision-making in donating to humanitarian organisations [...]

Remodelling Donor Behaviour2023-04-29T13:15:49+00:00

Islamic Relief Australia Prospectus


Making a world of difference Inspired by Islamic humanitarian values, Islamic Relief Worldwide works to meet the needs of vulnerable people and empower them to become self-sufficient so that they can live with dignity and independence. We help individuals, families and communities overcome the challenges of living in poverty and work closely with them to achieve sustainable development. In doing so we make it possible for those who wish to support others, to reach people in need of their help. Office https://islamic-relief.com.au/ Citation Islamic Relief Australia [n.d], Islamic Relief Australia Prospectus, Islamic Relief Australia, Auburn

Islamic Relief Australia Prospectus2023-04-29T13:11:35+00:00

Keeping the Faith


The Role of Faith Leaders in the Ebola Response With its focus on faith leaders, this study uses the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone and Liberia to explore the relationship between humanitarianism and religion and seeks to provide evidence, in real time, of the role of faith leaders in the Ebola response. It offers recommendations for how faith leaders can support the recovery efforts of the affected countries and it contributes to a discussion on the broader role of faith in humanitarian response. Office External Citation Featherstone, A (2015), Keeping the Faith: The Role of Faith Leaders in the Ebola Response, [...]

Keeping the Faith2023-04-29T12:47:14+00:00

Yemen Crisis Update


Yemen The situation in Yemen reached crisis point when, following several months of fighting, over half a million people were forced to flee their homes in fear of their safety. Fighting has disrupted supplies of water, electricity and medicine. With barely any access to clean water of healthcare, diseases like malaria, meningitis and TB are spreading fast, and over a million people now need emergency treatment. On top of this, a severe food shortage has left 10 million hungry, and over half of Yemen's children malnourished. Islamic Relief has been working in Yemen for over a decade, so we were ready [...]

Yemen Crisis Update2023-04-29T12:36:47+00:00

Poverty Reduction of Vulnerable Households through Entrepreneurship Development (PROVED) project


This project is funded by DFID PP Programme and implemented by Livelihood and Community Development Program Islamic Relief, Bangladesh Islamic Relief Bangladesh has started PPA PROVED project with the objective to contribute towards achieving MDG1 (reduction of poverty and hunger) through improving livelihoods of the rural poor people in northwest part of Bangladesh. PPA PROVED implemented with different activities for achieving the results set in the project. 191 self-help groups (SHGs) have been formed with 4509 poor women. Each SHG has their own management committee and they are operating SHG activities by themselves. All SHG members can put their signatures, writing [...]

Poverty Reduction of Vulnerable Households through Entrepreneurship Development (PROVED) project2023-04-29T11:27:02+00:00

Comparing the Effectiveness of Waqf and English Charitable Trusts


Programmes conducted by Mohammad Abdullah Nadwi, Markfield Institute of Higher Education, UK. This paper explores the concept of Waqf, its role in contemporary society and its growth, usage and methods of implementation. The programmes reveals that historically, Waqf was well established during the period of Islam’s establishment in the seventh century and went on to become utilised with a variety of driving forces across the growing Muslim world in the centuries which followed. However, having been marginalised as an effective social development tool in more recent generations, contemporary Muslim societies across the globe are now witnessing a revival of Waqf awareness [...]

Comparing the Effectiveness of Waqf and English Charitable Trusts2023-04-29T11:22:25+00:00

The Islamic Climate Change Declaration Toolkit


How to use this toolkit This toolkit will help equip you and your supporters to share the Islamic Climate Change Declaration with Muslims, people of faith and other stakeholders around the world. It is a simple and easy to use guide to get supporters to champion climate justice in your local community on a global issue that affects us all. Together, we hope this toolkit will help build a greener Muslim community globally which will act on the verse in the Qur’an where Allah reminds us that: “He is the One who made you inheritors of the earth, and He raised [...]

The Islamic Climate Change Declaration Toolkit2023-04-29T11:19:58+00:00

IR WASH Interventions


Rising Healthy & Prosperous Communities Water is essential for life. Yet more than 1.1 billion people have no access to clean water. For some countries the problem is scarcity of water, whilst in others it is the quality of water. Unclean water can be fatal as it spreads diseases and illnesses such as cholera and diarrhoea. Poor hygiene practices and access to latrines also increases risk of disease. Over a third of the world’s population does not have access to adequate sanitation. Islamic Relief aims to give people all over the world water for life. We don’t just hand out water [...]

IR WASH Interventions2023-04-29T10:56:29+00:00

A Case for Debt Cancellation


Unlocking the Chains of Debt In the 1950s and 1960s, poor countries were lent large amounts of money for the sake of economic development. The lending, by rich countries, was prudent with fewer strings in the beginning since many western countries were keen to support developing countries as being their potential allies in the cold war. They lent money regardless of whether developing countries direly needed it or not and even aided and abetted oppressive regimes. So, much of the present “debt stock” of the poor countries was the result of reckless or self-interested lending by the rich countries to poor [...]

A Case for Debt Cancellation2023-04-29T10:46:34+00:00

Islamic Relief Kosova


Update The situation in Albania is deteriorating by the day. The needs of the people are great and require our full support. When looking at the needs of the people of Kosova, it is extremely important for us to bear in mind that by providing food or clothing our responsibilities do not end there. The refugees have no homes, no possessions nor any means of earning a livelihood. The emotional trauma endured is great and many will require counselling to overcome their horrific experiences. Islamic Relief is committed to support the immediate as well as the long term needs of refugees. [...]

Islamic Relief Kosova2023-04-29T10:38:38+00:00
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