
Waqf, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and maqasid al-shariah


Authored by Mohammed Abdullah Nadwi, PhD candidate of Markfield Institute of Higher Education and Postgraduate Fellow of Humanitarian Academy for Development This paper attempts to contextualise the potential role of waqf (plural; awqaf Islamic perpetual trust) in the contemporary world, particularly, in the developmental arena. The purpose of this paper is to provide a framework for awqaf to maintain its convergence with some of the fundamental goals of the SDGs which are also congruent with the maqasid al-shariah (the higher objectives of shariah). Office https://had-int.org/ Citation Mohammad Abdullah, (2018) "Waqf, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and maqasid al-shariah", International Journal of Social [...]

Waqf, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and maqasid al-shariah2023-04-25T13:52:46+00:00

Evaluating Islamic Relief’s Capacity Building and Partnership-based Disaster Preparedness in Asia


Summary Paper This programmes evaluates Islamic Relief’s disaster-preparedness activities, specifically focussing on local partnerships and capacity building in Asia, with the aim of improving its strategy for the Philippines. It also aims to help Islamic Relief shape and improve its disaster preparedness activities when working in partnership with local NGOs or CBOs in other countries, particularly where its disaster response team has a new or recent presence. The content of this paper is the intellectual property and sole responsibility of the Author. Office https://had-int.org/ Citation Maria Ximena Weiss Maldonado (2018) Evaluating Islamic Relief’s Capacity Building and Partnership-based Disaster Preparedness in Asia, [...]

Evaluating Islamic Relief’s Capacity Building and Partnership-based Disaster Preparedness in Asia2023-04-25T13:46:18+00:00

Is the Concept of ‘Resilience’ Useful within Cities Facing both Conflict & Disaster Risk? Using Beirut as a Case Study


Summary paper The programmes investigates the concept of 'resilience' in Beirut, Lebanon; a city facing both the risk of conflict and natural disasters. The content of this paper is the intellectual property and sole responsibility of the Author. Office https://had-int.org/ Citation Nadeem Ahmed (2018) Is the Concept of 'Resilience' Useful within Cities Facing both Conflict & Disaster Risk? Using Beirut as a Case Study, Humanitarian Academy for Development, Birmingham, UK.

Is the Concept of ‘Resilience’ Useful within Cities Facing both Conflict & Disaster Risk? Using Beirut as a Case Study2023-04-25T13:41:35+00:00

Integrated Response as a process of enhancing Incident Command System (ICS) through Community Functions


Summary Paper This programmes critically examined theoretical explanations and practice systems for emergency response phase with the aim of identifying community functions that align with, and can be integrated with Incident Command System (ICS) to enhance response to large-scale or unprecedented disruptive events. Ultimately, this programmes aimed to develop an integrated response framework that can be adopted to improve response to any disruptive event. The content of this paper is the intellectual property and sole responsibility of the Author. Office https://had-int.org/ Citation Dr Dolapo Fakuade (2018) Integrated Response as a process of enhancing Incident Command System (ICS) through Community Functions , [...]

Integrated Response as a process of enhancing Incident Command System (ICS) through Community Functions2023-04-25T13:34:34+00:00

Beyond binary thinking: A spatial negotiations perspective on refugee tarries in South Lebanon


Summary Paper This programmes investigated how refugees and host communities negotiate the use and meaning of space with regard to the establishment and experience of refugee tarries, community formation, governance and livelihood strategies. The content of this paper is the intellectual property and sole responsibility of the Author. Office https://had-int.org/ Citation Marit de Looijer (2018) Beyond binary thinking: A spatial negotiations perspective on refugee tarries in South Lebanon, Humanitarian Academy for Development, Birmingham, UK.

Beyond binary thinking: A spatial negotiations perspective on refugee tarries in South Lebanon2023-04-25T13:29:12+00:00

Participatory Processes in Disaster Management: A close look at Bangladesh


Summary Paper Using Bangladesh as a case study, this study realises whilst natural disasters are inevitable, the effect it has on the communities and lives can be reduced with clear organised response frameworks, participatory planning and as such, creating a preparedness culture can reduce the mortality rates during a disaster. The content of this paper is the intellectual property and sole responsibility of the Author. Office https://had-int.org/ Citation James Roman (2018) Participatory Processes in Disaster Management: A close look at Bangladesh, Humanitarian Academy for Development, Birmingham, UK.

Participatory Processes in Disaster Management: A close look at Bangladesh2023-04-25T13:22:03+00:00

The intersection of gender and disability in displacement settings: Jordan as a case study


Summary Paper This programmes aims to develop a deeper understanding of how ones social location impacts their experience of poverty, focusing on three identity vectors: gender, disability and displacement. The content of this paper is the intellectual property and sole responsibility of the Author. Office https://had-int.org/ Citation Bushra Rehman (2018) The intersection of gender and disability in displacement settings: Jordan as a case study, Humanitarian Academy for Development, Birmingham, UK.

The intersection of gender and disability in displacement settings: Jordan as a case study2023-04-25T13:15:13+00:00

Partnership (Ausgabe 73, March 2017)


Gemeinsam für eine bessere Zukunft im november 2016 bestand Islamic relief deutschland 20 Jahre. aus bescheidenen anfängen konnte diese humanitäre Hilfsorganisation immer weiter wachsen und einer steigenden Zahl von bedürftigen und notleidenden weltweit helfen. Ihnen, liebe spenderinnen und spender, die sie dies mit Ihrer Unterstützung möglich gemacht haben und weiter ermöglichen, gebührt unser dank. In dieser ausgabe erinnern wir uns zurück an die anfänge in den 90er Jahren (seite 10-11). In malawi haben wir ein Projekt unterstützt, das durch die Umgestaltung von klassenräumen mehr spaß am Lernen macht – wovon wir uns bei einem Projektbesuch überzeugen konnten (seite 4-5). Office http://www.islamicrelief.de/ [...]

Partnership (Ausgabe 73, March 2017)2023-04-25T13:09:11+00:00

Partnership (Ausgabe 74, May 2017)


Wer hungert, dem wird das Recht auf nahrung verwehrt Jeder Mensch hat ein Recht auf Nahrung. Doch während wir hier in Deutschland jeden Abend mehr als gesättigt zu Bett gehen, verhungern weltweit 795 Millionen1 Menschen. Alle zehn Sekunden stirbt ein Kind an den Folgen von Unterernährung. Während weltweit jährlich 1,3 Milliarden2 Tonnen Lebensmittel im Müll landen, muss einer von neun Menschen jeden Abend hungrig schlafen gehen. Schwangere und stillende Mütter sind nicht in der Lage, ihre Kinder ausreichend zu versorgen. Office http://www.islamicrelief.de Citation Islamic Relief Deutschland (2017) Partnership (Ausgabe 74, May 2017), Islamic Relief Deutschland, Köln, Germany

Partnership (Ausgabe 74, May 2017)2023-04-25T12:46:19+00:00

Partnership (Ausgabe 76, November 2017)


Eein Volk auf der Flucht und Suche nach Menschlichkei Myanmar galt einst als reichstes Land Südostasiens, doch seit 1962 verschlechterte sich die Situation im Land. Anfang 2016 keimte mit der gewählten Regierung Hoffnung auf. Der Friedensprozess mit den bewaffneten Gruppen ethnischer Minderheiten ging aber nur schleppend voran. Ende 2016 eskalierte die Gewalt dann endgültig und verschärfte sich noch weiter, als einige Rebellen Soldaten und Polizisten angriffen und dutzende Sicherheitskräfte töteten. Das Militär reagiert mit Gegengewalt. Seither ist die Situation verheerend. Hunderte Dörfer wurden niedergebrannt und hunderttausende Menschen sind auf der Flucht. Allein seit August 2017 sind 607.000 Menschen nach Bangladesch geflohen [...]

Partnership (Ausgabe 76, November 2017)2023-04-25T12:39:47+00:00
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