HAD publications

At HAD, we are keenly engaged in programmesing key issues around international development and humanitarian aid.

Consequently, published programmes can inform the development sector through empirically-based, evidential programmes in the field of Islam and development and also demonstrate the positive value that faith adds to humanitarian and development work.

As we envisage widespread distribution of knowledge, our e-Library is a means to provide global access to many of our publications. These are provided as open source and are free of charge.

Please respect author copyright and refer using citations given with each publication.

HAD E-Library

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    Displaced within homeland In the wake of fleeing from the conflict-torn Khyber Agency, Islamic Relief Pakistan started implementation of Humanitarian Assistance for Internally Displaced Persons at Jalozai, district Nowshera. The project aims to assist 4000 off-camp IDP families under health[...]

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    Gaza’s unemployment trap and, Islamic Relief’s efforts to tackle it The people of Gaza are afflicted with one of the highest rates of unemployment in the world, exacerbated in recent years by a blockade that has restricted imports of essential[...]

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    7 Sektor Utama/ 7 Main Sectors Pemulihan dan penyelenggaraan sekolah rosak di Semenanjung Gaza. Pemulihan dan peningkatan telaga bagi pertanian dan saliran pengairan. Membantu nelayan yang terjejas. Pemasangan sistem rawatan air di Hospital & Perumahan. Meningkatkan perkhidmatan kaunseling Psychosocial di[...]

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    تعتبر اإلغاثة اإلسالمية من أكبر المؤسسات التي تقوم بتقديم التمويل بصيغ تتالئم مع الشريعة اإلسالمية في قطاع غزة، حيث قامت بتأسيس برنامج تنمية المشاريع الصغيرة جدًا في العام 1998 بهدف مساعدة ذوي الدخل المحدود من أصحاب المشاريع الصغيرة لتطوير مشاريعهم[...]

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    Islamic Relief Pakistan feels delighted to present Hazard, Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (HCVA) Report of District Thatta. The main ethos behind this is to increase awareness amongst communities, civil society organizations and government and promote culture of building resilience through[...]

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    Our Work in Pakistan Islamic Relief commenced its operations in Pakistan in 1992, and secured a registration with the Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan in 1994 as a company limited by guarantee. Islamic Relief is also registered with the[...]

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    Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) is an independent humanitarian and development organisation present in over 40 countries around the globe. Inspired by the Islamic faith, IRW has helped millions of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people since receiving our first[...]

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    What is the standard framework? ما هو التدبير الإتفاقي؟ هو اتفاق جماعي بخصوص التدبير الأكثر تلاؤما مع وضعية الطفل وحاجاته ومصلحته الفضلى (وجوب تحرير اتفاق بدقة يتضمن تحديد الوضعية والطرق الكفيلة بمعالجتها). ويتم تدوينه وتلاوته على مختلف الأطراف (أبوي الطفل[...]