Interpersonal and Communication Skills

Advocacy and Influencing Training for Eco-advocacy Groups in Ninawa

In 2022, HAD partnered up with Oxfam in Iraq to deliver a 4 day Advocacy and Influencing training to eco-advocacy groups in Ninawa, Iraq. The training also included an implementation task in which participants developed an advocacy campaign on a topic of their choice. The whole project was conducted in a participatory manner (in which everyone who has a stake in the intervention has a voice, either in person or by representation).

The training was broken down into three phases. During the first phase, the trainer spoke with the groups to identify the issues and the need for training. In the second phase, a 4-day tailored training was delivered to the participants. Finally for the last stage, coaching was delivered to help the groups identify and finalize their campaign strategies and action plans. This threetiered approach helped increase the effectiveness of the capacity building experience as a whole.

2 NGOs

4 Training days

24 Participants