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So far moh has created 515 blog entries.

Youth Advocacy and Digital Media


Youth Advocacy Why are young people becoming more invested in advocacy?A digital age and a digital generationBest Performing Twitter Hashtags Youth Advocacy  In recent years there has been a visible increase in the number of young people involved in global issues including politics, environment and general advocacy. Given the new age of technology where news shows feature tweets as much as interviews (or more), taking advantage of the opportunities offered by digital media has enabled youth advocates to amplify their voices. Why are young people becoming more invested in advocacy? According to the World Economic Forum, this generation of young people “will [...]

Youth Advocacy and Digital Media2024-05-31T18:59:59+00:00

“She” Has to be Controlled: The Underlying Myth for FGM


The Underlying Myth for FGMWhat is fgm?Adam and EveThe most common reason for FGMOriginal motivesIslamic ReliefGlobal statistics The Underlying Myth for FGM How often have we heard the story of Adam and Eve’s expulsion from heaven, and the “Fall of man to earth”? Numerous times. How many versions are there to this story? Again countless versions, from the ancient Greek religion to the Abrahamic faiths, as well as the additional fantasies of historians and folklore. There is a striking detail in this story which in some interpretations, portrays Adam as a morally composed human being, swayed by his partner –Eve, who [...]

“She” Has to be Controlled: The Underlying Myth for FGM2024-05-31T19:54:08+00:00

Women’s Rights in 2020


  Why now?Beijing Declaration and Platform for ActionNew ApproachesWhat we can do for Women’s Rights in 2020 Across the globe, world leaders, civil societies and the private sector are set to make Women’s Rights in 2020 a priority. Why now? 2020 is a milestone year for Women’s Rights for several reasons. It marks 100 years since U.S. women won the right to vote, 25 years since the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 10 years since UN Women was established and 5 years since the Sustainable Development Goals were adopted. The anniversaries of these landmark events causes us [...]

Women’s Rights in 20202024-05-31T20:13:52+00:00

Refugee and Migrant Communities in the UK Challenge Traditional Models of Charity and Aid


Refugee and Migrant Communities in the UK ChallengeA burden?Challenging anti-refugee narrativesHow can we help? Refugee and Migrant Communities in the UK Challenge Refugees are often on the receiving end of philanthropic giving. However, refugee and migrant communities in the UK also provide sizeable charitable donations and aid, as highlighted in recent studies. In this blog post, Madiha Sadiq and Olivia Everett argue donations by refugee and migrant communities in the UK should be better valued, celebrated, shared and most critically, supported. A burden? Stances against migrants and refugees are often based on a nexus of nationalist opposition and economic rationalisation. These [...]

Refugee and Migrant Communities in the UK Challenge Traditional Models of Charity and Aid2024-05-31T20:41:29+00:00

Economic Inequality is Out of Control, Oxfam report finds


Economic Inequality is Out of Control, Oxfam report findsTime to CareEffects on women and girlsKey Recommendations Economic Inequality is Out of Control, Oxfam report finds January 27, 2020 Oxfam report :A recent report from Oxfam has found that the divide between the world’s richest and poorest is disproportionately effecting women and girls. The report highlights the significant difference between the wealthiest and the poorest of the world, stating that economic inequality is ‘out of control’. Time to Care Oxfam’s Time To Care report has found the world’s billionaires, of which there are 2,153, are richer than 4.6 billion people worldwide, with [...]

Economic Inequality is Out of Control, Oxfam report finds2024-05-31T21:13:26+00:00

What it means to be a Muslim Charitable Organisation – A reflection on the first Best Practice Forum January 2020


Thought leadership and capacity-building require spaces to nurture, consider, develop and spread new ideas and approaches. With that need of the sector in mind, the Humanitarian Academy for Development (HAD) hosted a conference bringing together academics, practitioners, donors and thought leaders within the Muslim charities sector on Wednesday 15 January. The conference was organised by the Muslims in Britain Research Network (MBRN), in collaboration with the Muslim Charities Forum (MCF) and HAD.   Thoughtful and innovative presentations Attendees were part of thoughtful and innovative discussions and presentations which covered diverse topics. These included for example presentations on case studies from Muslim [...]

What it means to be a Muslim Charitable Organisation – A reflection on the first Best Practice Forum January 20202023-04-25T21:49:04+00:00

Addressing Global South/North Inequalities in Research


As a researcher who was born and spent most of her adult and working life in South Africa, I have long valued the contribution of researchers and academics from the Global South. I was fortunate to be surrounded by inspirational and innovative colleagues from universities and organisations from around Africa. While it was easy for me to recognize excellence of thought and field-building, I came to realize that this was not always a shared sentiment. Academics and researchers from the Global South are disadvantaged in many ways and are not only regarded as less valuable, but are often valued less than [...]

Addressing Global South/North Inequalities in Research2024-05-31T21:56:20+00:00

A DFID-FCO merger needs to remain off the cards


DFID Two ministries with different prioritiesConflict of interest?NGO officials in disagreementLearning from other countriesPossible loss of specialised staffConcerns over lack of transparencyWe should not conflate development interests with other priorities DFID  Plans to merge the Department for International Department (DFID) and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) appear to have been abandoned by Prime Minister Boris Johnson for now. The idea of a DFID/FCO merger has been debated numerous times since DFID’s separation from FCO in 1997, most recently resurfacing amidst the 2019 general elections and causing a stir among UK charities. Despite the merger being allegedly off the cards for the [...]

A DFID-FCO merger needs to remain off the cards2024-05-31T22:08:24+00:00

Alternatives to Aid: Mobilisation for Development


Table of ContentsFake “Aid”?What alternatives to aid exist?“Trade not aid”Social enterprisesForeign Direct InvestmentIslamic Microfinance There is an increasing number of critical voices that point to the limitations of conventional aid. In this blog post, R&D team member Madiha Zeb Sadiq looks at some of these criticisms and whether alternatives to aid exist. Fake “Aid”? There is an abundance of criticisms of foreign aid. One key concern for many critics is effectiveness and sustainability. Many poor countries are saddled with debt, and without sufficient development to justify it, the debt increases poverty, as the money spent on paying it off could have [...]

Alternatives to Aid: Mobilisation for Development2024-06-13T18:24:50+00:00

PVE, Development and Gender


January 8, 2020 PVE, Development and Gender What does the increasing influence of preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) frameworks and tools mean for development workers? Earlier this year, the Research Department of the Humanitarian Academy for Development (HAD) co-organised a workshop at The Annual Conference of the Conflict Research Society (CRS). The event brought together academics and practitioners from Europe, Africa and Australia to explore the crossover between PVE, Development and Gender. Table of ContentsWhy PVE, Development and Gender?HAD Workshop Brings Together Academics and PractitionersKey Ideas Emerging from the Group DiscussionsWhat next for HAD’s PVE, Development and Gender Project? Why [...]

PVE, Development and Gender2024-06-01T23:58:41+00:00
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