
Why NGOs need a reputation risk management strategy and how to develop one


Table of Contents Why NGOs need a reputation risk management strategy and how to develop one Develop  Map Plan Manage  Remain  Reflect Identify Strike  Last  Why NGOs need a reputation risk management strategy and how to develop one Reputation is a precious commodity for international NGOs, hard won and easily lost. A bad reputation can fundamentally undermine your support. A good reputation – with the public, with peer organisations and other key stakeholders – can boost your influence in the good times and protect your organisation when it comes under attack. This is why it's so important for NGOs to develop [...]

Why NGOs need a reputation risk management strategy and how to develop one2024-06-04T14:09:09+00:00

5 reasons why we need research in the humanitarian sector


Table of Contents 5 reasons why we need research in the humanitarian sector HAD research workshop at the University of Birmingham 5 ways in which research can make a valuable contribution to the work of practitioners Identification of emerging issues and hot topics Risk and needs assessment Impact assessment Informing policies, frameworks and approaches Transparency, trustworthiness and accountability 5 reasons why we need research in the humanitarian sector There is an increasing awareness of the importance of research in the humanitarian sector. Many organisations in the sector either have a research department or at least a team (member) who is in [...]

5 reasons why we need research in the humanitarian sector2024-06-04T14:56:40+00:00

Faith, gender, forced migration & trauma


Faith, gender, forced migration & trauma The role of faith in international development and humanitarian aid is often overlooked, despite faith and religion being an important factor in the lives of many people in underdeveloped and crisis-afflicted areas. In order to shed light on the role of faith in responses to trauma experienced by Muslim women, HAD’s Research and Development (R&D) Department is currently running a project in cooperation with Islamic Relief’s (IR) International Programme Division. As part of the project, two HAD Postgraduate Fellows, Sandra Iman Pertek and Kathleen Rutledge are conducting field research in Tunisia, Turkey and Iraq. Further [...]

Faith, gender, forced migration & trauma2024-06-04T15:07:22+00:00

5 ways to improve your NGOs digital presence


Table of Contents 5 ways to improve your NGOs digital presence Optimise your content Build your social media presence Ensure you have a clear CTA for everything you post Create a buzz Improve your search-visibility 5 ways to improve your NGOs digital presence With an estimated 10 million non-governmental organisations worldwide, it can be daunting to try and figure out how to draw attention to the life-changing work of your NGO and its importance. Living in what is known as the “digital age”, it’s no secret where the potential of organisational growth is- in digital! This is why improving your NGOs [...]

5 ways to improve your NGOs digital presence2024-06-05T18:23:57+00:00

Modern Slavery in the Humanitarian Sector


Modern slaveryIslamic Relief Modern slavery is an increasing global problem which is estimated to impact, in excess of, 40.3 million people around the world: an appalling statistic to face in 2019. Protection of our beneficiaries, staff and volunteers from exploitation and abuse is why we exist. We fully acknowledge the gender imbalance of those affected by modern slavery with women and girls being disproportionately affected, in particular being victims of forced labour and those subjected to forced marriage. Islamic Relief Islamic Relief recognises the incalculable damage Modern Slavery can do and strongly believes there is no place for such conduct in [...]

Modern Slavery in the Humanitarian Sector2024-06-05T18:39:33+00:00

International Women’s Day 2019


Table of Contents International Women’s Day  Maya Angelou Khadīja bint Khuwaylid Hyeonseo Lee Princess Diana Malala Yousafzai International Women’s Day  May 10, 2019 Today is International Women’s Day. We have so many vibrant, daring and confident, inspirational women around us that it’s hard not to notice how independent and fierce woman can be. It also goes to show how many females from around the globe have made a change by doing charitable causes and implementing humanitarianism. Maya Angelou A prime example of a great activist is Maya Angelou. Maya experienced a very difficult and traumatic childhood. She was sexually assaulted at [...]

International Women’s Day 20192024-06-04T17:20:46+00:00

World NGO Day 2019


World NGO Day NGOs are a vital part of the humanitarian sector. By being free of governmental affiliation, NGOs are able to help where others are limited.World NGO Day is about celebrating NGO achievements, strengthening collaborative efforts and critically analysing what could be improved within the sector moving forward in order to be more effective in aiding the Humanitarian Sector. Another aim of the celebratory day is to raise awareness of the work various NGOs are doing to bring around positive change, whether in the field of International Development or localised training. World NGO Day is also a fantastic opportunity for [...]

World NGO Day 20192024-06-04T17:35:34+00:00

The Action on Climate Change and Consumption Project


  Table of Contents Climate Change and Consumption HAD Outputs:  IR Country Office Outputs: Key Project Achievements per Country: IR Bangladesh  IR Germany  IR India IR Kenya IR Malawi  IR Niger IR Pakistan IR Somalia IR Sweden  IR UK Climate Change and Consumption There is increasing awareness of the importance of addressing climate change and consumption. As a faith-inspired organisation, the Humanitarian Academy for Development (HAD) is particularly interested in how climate change and consumption intersect with faith in general and Islam in particular. Our recently concluded Action on Climate Change and Consumption (ACC) project was developed in line with the [...]

The Action on Climate Change and Consumption Project2024-06-04T17:52:24+00:00
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