
Syria: Regional Response to Syria Crisis


The crisis continues to deepen in Syria with a starkly worrying picture for the humanitarian situation. At least 2.5million people are affected, and the UN estimates that upto 4million people could be affected in the next coming months. Widespread damage and destruction to medical facilities have left large parts of the population without access to health care and many children are denied education as schools become collective shelters for IDPs or have been badly damaged. Office www.islamic-relief.org Citation Islamic Relief Worldwide, MEEE Desk. (2012). Syria Emergency Relief Operations in Turkey. Islamic Relief Worldwide, Birmingham [Online] Available: https://islamic-relief.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Syria/11/Syria-Crisis-Nov2012.pdf

Syria: Regional Response to Syria Crisis2024-06-12T20:05:50+00:00

Islamic Relief Environment Policy


Many poor people in developing countries live in ecologically vulnerable environments. This affects both their livelihoods and their safety. As their farm lands erode, deserts advance and forests disappear, they are finding it increasingly difficult to ensure a sufficient and sustainable income. As increasing numbers of people are forced to live in precarious locations such as steep hills, slums and unstable coastal areas continues to rise, natural hazards such as earthquakes and hurricanes are increasingly likely to cost lives. Poverty accelerates environmental destruction, as survival often requires an overexploitation of natural surroundings. Relatively infertile land is quickly depleted and prone to [...]

Islamic Relief Environment Policy2023-05-02T13:00:53+00:00

Local Faith Community and Related Civil Society Engagement in Humanitarian Response with Syrian Refugees in Irbid, Jordan


There is renewed interest in the engagement of faith-based organizations in humanitarian response, mirroring broader attention to the role of faith and faith-based action in the public sphere. However, a recent scoping report by the Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities of the role of local faith communities in supporting resilience in contexts of humanitarian crisis has indicated the dearth of knowledge regarding the interface of governmental, intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations with local faith communities in the course of humanitarian response. This study builds upon the programmes and practitioner partnerships facilitated by the JLI F& LC scoping survey [...]

Local Faith Community and Related Civil Society Engagement in Humanitarian Response with Syrian Refugees in Irbid, Jordan2023-05-01T14:30:50+00:00

Humanitarian assistance from non-state donors


  Non-state or private donors – including individuals, trusts and foundations, and companies and corporations – have long played a key role in supporting the international humanitarian response. As part of efforts to leverage new and alternative forms of assistance to help close the growing humanitarian financing gap, the humanitarian sector is currently focusing significant attention on building the role of private actors – particularly the private sector, such as companies and corporations – in humanitarian response. This has been driven by the experience of, and the increased and diversified role for, private donors in recent crises, for example in the [...]

Humanitarian assistance from non-state donors2023-05-01T14:23:42+00:00

Islamic Relief Gender Justice Policy


Islamic Relief (IR)’s mission is to eradicate poverty and end human suffering. To achieve this, it is crucial that issues of injustice are given a major focus, along with the reasons injustice persists. Within the category of injustice is gender injustice, which IR is prioritising within this paper. “Gender” is the social term which identifies personas female or male. It suggests roles, characteristics, behaviour and activities which are seen as appropriate for men and women in a given context. The term “sex” describes the biological distinctions between men and women. This document focuses on the central components of IR’s Gender Justice [...]

Islamic Relief Gender Justice Policy2023-05-01T14:06:39+00:00

A religious education unit for ages 9 to 11


Beliefs and actions in the world: Can Christian Aid and Islamic Relief change the world? Office External programmes http://learn.christianaid.org.uk/ Citation Blaylock,L (2008) A religious education unit for ages 9 to 11. [Online]. Available: http://learn.christianaid.org.uk/Images/teaching-unit-faith-based-orgs_tcm16-37896.pdf

A religious education unit for ages 9 to 112023-05-01T13:35:49+00:00

Jaaverslag 2009


Toen het jaar 2009 van start ging, was het offensief op de Gazastrook net begonnenn. Op de dag van de aanval had Islamic Relief een noodhulpactie gelanceerd. In Nederland was de betrokkenheid bij de slachtoffers in de Gazastrook groot. Dankzij de onmisbare inzet van onze vrijwilligers en de bijdrage van vele initiatieven in het land, verliep de actie SOS Gaza zeer succesvol. Met de inkomsten uit deze actie kon Islamic Relief Nederland niet alleen een substantiële bijdrage leveren aan de noodhulp, maar is zij tevens in staat om mee te werken aan de wederopbouw van de Gazastrook. Behalve noodhulp, stond 2009 [...]

Jaaverslag 20092023-05-01T13:33:22+00:00

Islamic Relief Annual Report 2009


During a period of considerable change, 2009 saw Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) come to the end of a successful three- year strategy, and, building on the aspirations and ideas of the whole organisation, look ahead to a new set of objectives for the next ! five years. In 2009, we marked our 25th year of working with vulnerable communities around the world. Islamic Relief has come a long way since we opened our first once in the United Kingdom in 1984 and received our first donation of 20p. Today, we raise £58 million a year, supporting 360 development projects. With our [...]

Islamic Relief Annual Report 20092023-05-01T13:29:15+00:00
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