
Syrien – Nothilfe 2012-2014


Weltweites Islamic Relief-Netzwerk Syrien befindet sich im Zentrum einer der weltweit schlimmsten humanitären Krisen. Das Land ist von internen Konflikten betroffen, die millionen von Familien entwurzelt haben. Schätzungsweise 3,2 millionen menschen sind aus dem Land geflohen und haben Zuflucht in Jordanien, dem Libanon, dem Irak, Ägypten und der türkei gefunden. Viele Flüchtlinge haben Familienmitglieder verloren, haben Gewalt mitansehen müssen und mussten aus ihren Häusern und Städten ins ausland fliehen, wo sie jedoch immer noch in angst leben. Die humanitären Bedürfnisse der Flüchtlinge wachsen, können jedoch wegen fehlender mittel nicht gedeckt werden. aufgrund der andauernden Gewalt in Nord- und Ost-Raqqa, Hasaka, Deir-el [...]

Syrien – Nothilfe 2012-20142023-05-01T08:54:05+00:00

Partnership (Ausgabe 55, July 2012)


Gemeinsam für eine bessere Zukunft wieder nähert sich der Fastenmonat ramadan, und in diesem Jahr ist er bei uns ein weiteres Stück mehr in den Sommer gerückt. als Fastende spüren wir durch die langen Fastentage und die höheren temperaturen die körperlichen auswirkungen des entzugs von Wasser und fester nahrung noch deutlicher. Vielleicht können wir dadurch besser nachempfinden, wie es millionen von menschen geht, für die Hunger und durst an der tagesordnung sind. islamic relief möchte ihre not lindern und ihnen helfen. indem Sie ihre Zakat und Zakat-ul-Fitr an islamic relief geben, können Sie mithelfen, die lage von bedürftigen und notleidenden menschen [...]

Partnership (Ausgabe 55, July 2012)2023-05-01T08:34:16+00:00

Islamic Relief Projects 2004


On the occasion of our 20th anniversary, it gives me great pleasure to introduce the Projects Booklet 2004 on behalf of Islamic Relief. With your generosity and our expertise, we have managed to achieve many successes in the past year, and indeed, the past twenty years. Our plans for 2004 are based on the same dedication that has driven us for two decades, and we trust your commitment will also remain as firm as ever. For Muslims, giving charity is a divine order that does not lead to a decrease in wealth but rather an increase in success and prosperity. Office [...]

Islamic Relief Projects 20042023-05-01T08:27:21+00:00

Partnership (Winter 2006/7, Issue 30)


Lebanon: Life after war June 2006 saw the small country of Lebanon come under a relentless attack that lasted six weeks and completely changed the life of the whole nation. In a short space of time, one million people, nearly a quarter of Lebanon's population, fled from towns and villages in the south of the country, leaving behind their homes, possessions and sometimes even their loved ones. Office http://www.islamic-relief.org/ Available upon request Citation Islamic Relief Worldwide (2007), Partnership (Winter 2006/7, Issue 30)

Partnership (Winter 2006/7, Issue 30)2023-05-01T08:25:42+00:00

UK Partnership (Autumn 2005)


With the needy We have an obligation to serve our two most important stakeholder, you the supporters and the beneficiaries (the people we help in the field). In this issue we will be showing you the best of both sides. A periodical of this size can only give a glimpse of our work in the field. With operations in over 20 countries it is difficult to give details about all our projects. With so much happening in so many places we hope that you will visit our website http://www.islamic-relief.org/ to find out more. Office http://www.islamic-relief.org/ Available upon request Citation Islamic Relief [...]

UK Partnership (Autumn 2005)2023-05-01T08:07:10+00:00

Partnership (Autumn 2002, Issue no:2)


The newsletter of Islamic Relief Pakistan edition The continuous rains from the end of July to the beginning of August 2003 paralysed life in Sindh. The provincial Government of SIndh declared emergency due the widespread heavy rains and subsequent floods. The rainfall was the heaviest during the last seven years. It intermittently continued for about one week and resulted in the flooding of about 1,900 villages, damaging thousands of houses. Drainage systems collapsed in most urban areas and streets were inundated with water mixed with sewerage, Breaches occurred in almost all the canals. Crops of chillies, wheat, rice, tomato and banana [...]

Partnership (Autumn 2002, Issue no:2)2023-05-01T08:05:40+00:00

Partnership (Spring 2002, Issue 19) UK edition


With the needy UK Edition Afghans struggle for peace As Afghanistan emerges from the latest chapter of its turbulent history, Islamic Relief continues its tireless work, bringing vital relief supplies to those devastated by the recent crisis. 22 years of war has all but destroyed Afghanistan's infrastructure. A fourth year of drought, the recent aerial bombardment and the country-wide fighting has plunged Afghanistan into "the worst humanitarian crisis in the world". Over 3.5 million Afghans are refugees in neighbouring countries, whilst more than 1 million are feared to be displaced within Afghanistan. Through the winter months, Afghans have only restricted access [...]

Partnership (Spring 2002, Issue 19) UK edition2023-05-01T07:46:11+00:00

Partnership (Autumn 2000, Issue no.16)


The newsletter of Islamic Relief International edition Building peace and justice in Bosnia The Srebrenica and Zvornik municipalities witnessed the worst murder of Bosnian civilians by Serb Paramilitaries during the vicious Bosnian war, which ended in 1995. The most infamous incident was the deliberate killing of over 7000 Bosnian men who had sought shelter in the UN compound near Srebrenica town. Thousands are still missing from the war, buried in anonymous graves in the woods and the fields around. Office http://www.islamic-relief.org/ Available upon request Citation Islamic Relief Worldwide (2000), Partnership (Autumn 2000, Issue no.16), Islamic Relief Worldwide, Birmingham, UK

Partnership (Autumn 2000, Issue no.16)2023-05-01T07:28:33+00:00

Islamic Relief Projects 2003


It is with great pleasure that I present to you Islamic Relief's Project Development Booklet 2003. Once again our aim has been to highlight how much good has been achieved through your generous donations. More than ever before, the call to help alleviate the poverty and suffering of the world's poorest people has been heeded by you. Your efforts, as we will show in this book, have not been in vain. Office www.islamic-relief.org/ Available upon request Citation Islamic Relief Worldwide (2003), Islamic Relief Projects 2003

Islamic Relief Projects 20032023-05-01T07:26:17+00:00

Partnership (Spring/Summer, Issue 21) UK Edition


With the needy UK Edition Islamic Relief convoy rolls into Baghdad Despite the dangerously volatile situation, Islamic Relief convoys have arrived in Iraq from Jordan and Syria. Islamic Relief staff are delivering aid to thousands of Iraqis in desperate need of help. Office http://www.islamic-relief.org.uk/ Available upon request Citation Islamic Relief UK (2003), Partnership (Spring/Summer, Issue 21)

Partnership (Spring/Summer, Issue 21) UK Edition2023-05-01T07:12:56+00:00
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