
Partnership (Ausgabe 75, August 2017)


Gemeinsam für eine bessere Zukunft Jemen liegt in Trümmern und das Volk leidet. In einem sind sich alle internationalen humanitären Organisationen einig: Das Land steht vor einer der größten humanitären Katastrophen der Gegenwart. Zwei Jahre nach Beginn des Bürgerkrieges ist die Infrastruktur weitestgehend zerstört und ein Großteil der Bevölkerung stark unterernährt. Über 60 Prozent der Bevölkerung hungert. Die meisten Gehälter im öffentlichen Sektor – von denen etwa 30 Prozent der Bevölkerung abhängen – wurden in den vergangenen Monaten nur unregelmäßig bezahlt. Millionen haben keinen Zugang mehr zu sauberem Trinkwasser – Epidemien sind die Folge. Das Land wird derzeit von einer der [...]

Partnership (Ausgabe 75, August 2017)2023-04-25T12:30:01+00:00

In what way can the government and community leaders in Kismayo work together for effective water governance?


Summary Paper This paper focuses on the issue of water governance and the role and sphere of influence of the government, clan elders and religious leaders in the development of effective water systems in Kismayo. Kismayo was historically a small fishing settlement but grew to an urban hub that attracted pastoral herders, naturally increasing the amount of water point in the vicinity. However, due to the scarcity of water, activity quickly dwindled causing a local economic crisis. Around 77% of Kismayo’s population do not have access to potable water (Kismayo District Survey, 2003) and with an increasing population; this number is [...]

In what way can the government and community leaders in Kismayo work together for effective water governance?2023-04-25T12:22:14+00:00

3 Years of War


In addition to experiencing a large scale humanitarian crisis, Yemen has been witnessing conflict since March 26, 2015. Since the, the situation in the country has rapidly moved towards a humanitarian tragedy. The humanitarian situation in Yemen is disastrous, and the needs of the people who have been affected by conflict are increasing every day. After almost three years of intense conflict, an estimated 22.2 million people in Yemen need humanitarian aid to survive - more than any other country in the world. Islamic Relief launched an emergency response within 72 hours of the conflict erupting on March 26 2015. Our [...]

3 Years of War2023-04-25T12:09:37+00:00

Seven Years of Crisis


Islamic Relief's Humanitarian Response in Syria 2012-2017 The continued destruction of the public health infrastructure in 2017 put existing health facilities under additional strain, limiting the ability of vulnerable people to access sufficient medical assistance. In September 2017, four healthcare facilities were put out of service in one week, leaving thousands of patients without healthcare in Has Hospital, Khan Sheikhoun’s Surgical Hospital, Al Teh’s Women & Children’s Hospital and Kafr Nabl’s Surgical Hospital. Currently, less than half of Syria’s health facilities remain fully operational. The priorities for Syria’s health sector in 2018 are access to primary healthcare, maintaining medicine and medical [...]

Seven Years of Crisis2023-04-25T11:58:08+00:00



Die humanitäre Lage Islamic Relief möchte sich bei all ihren Spendern, Unterstützern, Partnern, Mitarbeitern und Freiwilligen bedanken, die uns dabei geholfen haben, das Leben von mehr als 3,3 Millionen Menschen im Jahr 2017 zu verbessern. Wir beten dafür, dass unsere Unterstützung im Jahr 2018 und darüber hinaus fortgeführt werden kann, ebenso wie wir für Frieden und ein Ende des Leids in Syrien beten. Im Jahr 2017 waren 6,5 Millionen Menschen in Syrien von Ernährungsunsicherheit betroffen, und weitere vier Millionen waren von akuter Ernährungsunsicherheit bedroht. Dies bedeutete, dass mehr als die Hälfte der Bedürftigen dringende lebensrettende und lebenserhaltende Nahrungsmittel sowie Hilfe bei [...]


Lessons learnt from Somali Regional State of Ethiopia: Combating Gender-based Violence against Women and Girls in Dekasuftu Woreda


Faith inspired action to end GBV This report provides lessons learnt from the Islamic Relief Netherlands-funded project, “Combating Gender-Based Violence of Women and Girls”. Carried out in the Dekasuftu Woreda of Liben Zone within the Somali regional state of Ethiopia from February 2016 to March 2017, it is planned to continue the project in 2018, in partnership with Islamic Relief UK. This document highlights the key aims, findings, challenges and results of the project, and also discusses the main lessons for future projects we conduct. In sharing our findings, this report will benefit fellow organisations and stakeholders by informing them of [...]

Lessons learnt from Somali Regional State of Ethiopia: Combating Gender-based Violence against Women and Girls in Dekasuftu Woreda2023-04-25T11:41:27+00:00

A faith-sensitive approach in humanitarian response: Guidance on mental health and psychosocial programming


Islamic Relief Worldwide & The Lutheran World Federation As part of our on-going partnership, the Lutheran World Federation and Islamic Relief Worldwide began to work in 2016 on the development of A faith-sensitive approach in humanitarian response: Guidance on mental health and psychosocial programming. From the onset, we were clear that the guidance should be inclusive of all humanitarian actors, assisting both secular and faith-based organisations in the course of their work in the field. We use the term ‘faith-sensitive’ to bring the focus of the guidance on the faith of the people affected by conflict, disaster and displacement, rather than [...]

A faith-sensitive approach in humanitarian response: Guidance on mental health and psychosocial programming2023-04-25T11:34:47+00:00

UK Marketing Communications within Faith Based Organisations


Summary Paper This paper reviews the current landscape of the Muslim charity sector in the UK and explores the main challenges and obstacles standing in the way of Faith Based Organisations. This programmes contains qualitative data with an interpretivist approach which support the programmeser’s aim to explore the current situation of the Muslim charity sector and have a better understanding of the key issues facing Muslim FBOs. Office https://had-int.org/ Citation Marliana Syazwani Binti Dzulkipli (2018) UK Marketing Communications within Faith Based Organisations, Humanitarian Academy for Development, Birmingham, UK.

UK Marketing Communications within Faith Based Organisations2023-04-25T11:26:20+00:00

Towards an Islamic Philosophy of Consumption


A Programmes Paper This paper is intended to reconsider consumption and sustainability from an Islamic perspective. In particular, it sets out to first establish a ‘radical reform’ methodology in order to analyse the question, and then sets about applying this lens to the issue of sustainable consumption. In doing so, it establishes first the interpretative frame, a subsequent re-reading of the sources, and a brief reconsideration of the history of encounters between Islamic societies and the question of consumption. It then suggests a toolkit for Muslims and activists alike to join the fight for a more just, ecologically balanced world in [...]

Towards an Islamic Philosophy of Consumption2023-04-25T11:17:00+00:00

Islam and Sustainable Consumption


A Literature Review When undertaking a survey of the literature regarding Islam and sustainable consumption, a number of challenges present themselves. The first is definitional – when defining and demarcating what counts as an ‘Islamic’ response to this question it is important to note that the sheer diversity and decentred nature of ‘Islam’ precludes neat boundaries. Islam, ultimately, is what self-identifying Muslims do, and say, and perform, at any one time. Islam, after all, functions as a verb, rather than a noun. Not only space, and time, but the entanglement of individual and group identity adds further dimensions of complexity. Intersecting [...]

Islam and Sustainable Consumption2023-04-25T11:10:09+00:00
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