


Für ehrenamtliche Helfer Damit es gelingen kann, Spenden für einen wohltätigen Zweck zu sammeln und Menschen in deiner Umgebung zu mobilisieren, haben wir hier einen Aktionsleitfaden für dich zusammengestellt. Er fasst kurz und knapp zusammen, worauf es ankommt und macht dir ein paar Vorschläge, wie du eine Fundraising-Aktion starten und erfolgreich durchführen kannst. Für uns heißt dies, dass selbst ein kleiner Beitrag Großes bewirken kann und den Notleidenden sehr viel bedeutet. Es bedeutet, dass sie etwas erhalten haben, was ihre Not lindern kann, aber auch, dass wir an sie gedacht haben. Office http://www.islamicrelief.de/ Citation Islamic Relief Deutschland. (2014). Aktionsleitfaden. [Online] Available: [...]


Gaza One Year On


The 22-day war On December 27, 2008, Gaza was plunged into a 22-day war that led to one of the worst humanitarian crises the region has witnessed in decades. Office http://www.irusa.org/ Citation Islamic Relief USA (2010). Gaza One Year On. [Online] Available: http://www.irusa.org/content/uploads/2011/08/Gaza-One-Year-On-2010.pdf

Gaza One Year On2023-05-04T12:22:04+00:00

Middle East


Building Foundations Creating Solutions After years of hardship and poverty—and now, in some areas, the shock of recent political upheaval—people across the Middle East are struggling to rebuild and strengthen their communities. Office http://www.irusa.org/ Citation Islamic Relief USA. (2013). Middle East Building Foundations Creating Solutions. [Online] Available: http://www.irusa.org/content/uploads/2012/05/MiddleEast_Book_WEB.pdf

Middle East2023-05-04T12:19:03+00:00



Many of the children in the Vocational Training for Orphans program in Kabul used to spend their days washing cars, cleaning or begging. After being chosen for this program, they began to spend their days in classrooms, learning vocational skills such as how to tailor clothing, repair cell phones or make latticework, in addition to reading, writing, critical thinking and peace-building. Now 300 orphans ages 10 to 18 can look forward to much brighter futures, insha’Allah. Office http://www.irusa.org/ Citation Islamic Relief USA. (2013). Afghanistan. [Online] Available: http://www.irusa.org/content/uploads/2012/05/Afghanistan_Booklet_web.pdf


Pakistan: Paving the Path to Development


 The global Islamic Relief family has been providing services in Pakistan since 1992, opening an office in Islamabad in 1994. Since then, we have expanded to operate five offices that provide services from one end of the country to the other. Office http://www.irusa.org/ Citation Islamic Relief USA. (2013). Pakistan: Paving the Path to Development. [Online] Available: http://www.irusa.org/content/uploads/2012/05/Pakistan_Book_Web.pdf

Pakistan: Paving the Path to Development2023-05-04T12:14:36+00:00

مقترح مشروع األضاحي Qurbani Proposal 2013


مٌقترح مشروع الأضاحي 2013 تهدف منظمة "الإغاثة الإسلامية" إلى توصيل لحوم الأضاحي إلى أكثر من 375 ألف شخص في الهند وذلك في إطار حملتها لعام 2013م, والتي ترمي إلى تمكين المقتدرين الراغبين في التضحية من المشاركة في الحملة ليستفيد ما يزيد عن 1.8 مليون شخص من الفقراء والمحتاجين في أكثر من 30 دولة حول العالم. Office http://www.islamic-relief.me/ Citation Islamic Relief Worldwide (2013). Qurbani Proposal 2013. [Online] Available:http://www.islamic-relief.me/

مقترح مشروع األضاحي Qurbani Proposal 20132023-05-04T12:06:19+00:00

Enhancing Environmental Health at Schools in Baghdad


The second millennium development goal is to achieve universal primary education. By 2015, the global target is to ensure that children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling. It seems this target is very detached from the Iraqi reality. The education system in Iraq is facing complex challenges and demands. Thousands of schools all over Iraq have suffered tremendous neglect and under-funding during long years of war, UN economic sanctions and the current occupation, and internal strife. According to one survey carried out by the Iraqi Ministry of Education in early 2004*, [...]

Enhancing Environmental Health at Schools in Baghdad2023-05-04T12:03:59+00:00

Provision of Safe Drinking Water Along With Reducing Climate Changes Impacts


Provision of Safe Drinking Water The project aims at enhancing people wellbeing and reducing mortality and morbidity rate among target people through provision of potable water and safe conserved environment. The project will accomplish: digging and construction of 80 drilled wells, planting of 4500 trees, establishing 80 Water Management Committee (WMC) and establishing of 80 Open Defecation Eradication Committee (ODEC) for 2400 people. Office http://www.islamic-relief.or.id/ Citation Islamic Relief Indonesia [n.d] Provision of Safe Drinking Water Along With Reducing Climate Changes Impacts .[Online] Available: http://www.islamic-relief.me/project_proposals/Water_project.pdf

Provision of Safe Drinking Water Along With Reducing Climate Changes Impacts2024-06-07T18:47:17+00:00

Syria Winter Appeal


The conflict in Syria resulted in an unprecedented severe humanitarian situation in the history which is a matter of concern for the international community. According to the UN, 9.3 million people are directly affected by the crisis, 6.5 million Syrians are internally displaced and over 2.2 million refugees fled to the neighboring countries of which more than 500,000 are women and girls of reproductive age and 41,000 are pregnant (Regional Situational Report for Syria Crisis, Issue No.15, and November 2013). 66 cases of polio were confirmed up to 15 December 2013. Office http://www.islamic-relief.org/ Citation Islamic Relief Worldwide. (2013). Syria Winter Appeal. [...]

Syria Winter Appeal2023-05-04T11:53:14+00:00

Working for Better Child Health


Doctor Maigari is head doctor at the Therapeutic Feeding Centre in Tillaberi, Niger and sees on a daily basis the impact of malnutrition on children. Established by Islamic Relief in 2005, the health centre provided nutritional support to hundreds of children suffering from severe malnutrition and their mothers during the food crisis. Now that the crisis is over the centre also offers medical care for children suffering from a range of health problems. But there are still large numbers of children being treated every month for malnutrition. Office http://www.islamic-relief.org/ Citation Islamic Relief Worldwide (2007). Working for Better Child Health. [Online] Available:http://www.islamic-relief.org/

Working for Better Child Health2023-05-04T11:49:17+00:00
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