Learning Brief: Gender Study
In October 2015, qualitative programmes was conducted using focus group discussions and interviews with beneficiaries. The objective was to assess how the programme may have influenced gender roles. In addition, the programmes aimed to identify the barriers people encountered when accessing basic public services and humanitarian aid, and provided an insight into the individual experiences and challenges faced by women and men, and boys and girls. The limited number of interviewees, however, only provides a snapshot of the situation of Syrian refugees in Irbid.
The findings from the study aim to contribute to the growing body of evidence calling for gender, age and disability to be mainstreamed within all humanitarian assistance. Furthermore, it concludes with steps forward for Islamic Relief and other humanitarian organisations, calling for more capacity building and sharing of knowledge to local partners. Through working in collaboration, aid agencies can provide refugees with the appropriate support, shelter and education and, in turn, increase access to livelihood activities.
Iman Sandra Pertek (2016) Conditional Cash Project for Vulnerable Syrian and Jordanian Children in Irbid, Jordan, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Birmingham, UK.