HAD publications

At HAD, we are keenly engaged in programmesing key issues around international development and humanitarian aid.

Consequently, published programmes can inform the development sector through empirically-based, evidential programmes in the field of Islam and development and also demonstrate the positive value that faith adds to humanitarian and development work.

As we envisage widespread distribution of knowledge, our e-Library is a means to provide global access to many of our publications. These are provided as open source and are free of charge.

Please respect author copyright and refer using citations given with each publication.

HAD E-Library

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    The ultimate challenge: Global Food Crisis In this issue we look at one of the most serious challenges faced by the world today: the global food crisis. As a consequence of shortfalls in supply, higher levels of demand and rising[...]

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    15 years of serving the needy 1999 was significant not only for marking our fifteenth year of existence, but most importantly for marking a milestone in the scale and quality of our work. We could not have imagined 15 or[...]

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    Islamic Relief South Africa Making a world of difference Islamic Relief South Africa was founded in Johannesburg in 2003. Additional field offices have since been opened in Cape Town, Durban and Pietermaritzburg. The organisation is registered with: The registrar of[...]

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    Unfair trade rules continue to lock millions of people in the developing world in poverty. Two billion people – a third of humanity – work hard to support themselves yet still struggle to survive on £1 per day or less.[...]

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    How faiths and aid agencies work together against poverty and disaster Aid agencies are sometimes also called NGOs (non-governmental organisations). This means that they don’t work for governments, but they do often work with governments, to fight poverty. Islamic Relief[...]

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    Leaving behind their loved ones and the comfort and safety of their homes, aid workers of every race, creed, colour and background work selflessly on every continent and make a difference to the lives of complete strangers. Putting aside all[...]

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    Rebuilding shattered lives On Saturday 8th of October 2005, the world awoke to a devastating earthquake hitting Northern Pakistan and India. Measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale and penetrating just six miles below the earth's surface, the quake caused an[...]

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    In striving to be the best Muslim, we aim to perfect our ritual acts of worship, but also to live our lives by the principles and spirit of Islam. Every day we struggle to uphold principles of justice, fairness and[...]