HAD publications

At HAD, we are keenly engaged in programmesing key issues around international development and humanitarian aid.

Consequently, published programmes can inform the development sector through empirically-based, evidential programmes in the field of Islam and development and also demonstrate the positive value that faith adds to humanitarian and development work.

As we envisage widespread distribution of knowledge, our e-Library is a means to provide global access to many of our publications. These are provided as open source and are free of charge.

Please respect author copyright and refer using citations given with each publication.

HAD E-Library

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    Study of the Humanitarian Capacity of Plan Sweden SOS Children Villages Sweden and Islamic Relief Sweden Sida’s Division for Humanitarian Assistance regularly performs capacity studies of humanitarian actors to learn more about the organisations and to assess their capacity to[...]

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    Humanitarian Update February 2014 Syria Key Facts 3 million people require humanitarian assistance (OCHA,2013) 3 million children are in need of assistance (http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2014/3/10/reportmore-than43msyrianchildrenneedhumanitarianaid.html ) 5 million people are internally displaced in Syria 4000 schools have been destroyed (UNICEF, December 2013)[...]

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    Islamic Relief’s Orphan Welfare Programme Every year millions of children die because they do not have enough food, the water they drink is contaminated and they have no access to basic health care. An estimated 134 million children have also[...]

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    Climate change is the defining human development challenge of our time. It threatens to stall poverty reduction and hard-earned progress made in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. In the countries of South Asian region, including Pakistan, the early signs of[...]

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    Humanitarian Financing and Zakat All of the world’s major religions contain some element of alms giving, and faith plays a key role in the funding and delivery of humanitarian response across the world. While we cannot say how much religiously[...]

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    Increasing recognition has been given in recent years to the role that faith plays, both constructively and destructively, in the work of development and humanitarian aid organisations. Keeping Faith in Development explores how faith-based organisations can work across the religious[...]

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    There are over forty million refugee and displaced people around the world and many of them are children. As the world celebrates Universal Children’s Day on 20th November, Islamic Relief is marking the occasion by highlighting the stories and struggles[...]

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    Climate change is the defining human development challenge of our time. It threatens to stall poverty reduction and hard-earned progress made in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It requires knowledge, skills and resources to adapt to the changing climate.[...]