We, leaders of religious institutions and faith based organizations (FBO), believe that health is a universal value held by all faiths and a universal right for human beings.
Our faith traditions, spiritual values and commitment to social justice lead us to believe passionately that families should not suffer needlessly because they lack access to health services.
We acknowledge the evidence that the health benefits of access to education and services, and thereby averting unintended pregnancies, can be substantial. Each year, lack of family planning services and education in developing countries results in an estimated 600,000 newborn deaths; 150,000 maternal deaths from abortion and other pregnancy-related causes; and at least 340,000 children lose their mother.
Fitzgibbon, A (2011) Interfaith Declaration to Improve Family Health and Well-Being, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Birmingham, [Online]. Available: http://policy.islamic-relief.com/downloads/627-INTERFAITH_DECLARATI.pdf