Is there a moral imperative to address climate change?

Seeing the devastating images of the fires raging across Amazon rainforest on our television screens and social media feeds this past week, it is indisputable that we are facing escalating climate change concerns.

What is more, we can no longer play ignorant to the growing challenges and threats faced by the climate crisis.

2019 has seen the highest recorded number of fires in the Amazon rainforest since 2013.

This year alone, there have been more than 73,000 forest fires across the Amazonia, a staggering increase of 83% on last year.

Whilst it is irrefutable that climate change has been receiving more attention and coverage over the past couple of years, more needs to be done to successfully address the ever-evolving climate crisis and protect the future of our planet.

The Muslim community in specific has a moral and ethical imperative to combat climate change and protect the earth for future generations.

The Islamic narrative:

Referring specifically to Islam, it is undeniable that the Muslim community should play a key role in campaigning for environmental change.

As guardians of Allah’s creation (Khalifa– Qur’an 6:167), there is clear imperative to adopt a compassionate approach to protect the sanctity of creation.

Treading lightly on the earth (Zohd), Muslims should act as role models and leaders for others.

The adverse impacts of climate change that we have seen are evidence for faith-based organisations (FBOs) to question the fundamental moral causes of this phenomenon.

There is a clear call for Muslims to protect the planet and leave a ‘liveable’ earth for future generations.Hence, working to alleviate the impact of climate change should be key on the agenda.

How is HAD working to reduce the impacts of climate change?

HAD recognises the importance of working to reduce the impacts of the climate crisis.

For instance, ‘Nature’ is one of the research priorities of the Research Department at HAD. As a faith-inspired organisation, HAD are particularly interested in how climate change action and conscious consumption can be linked with faith.

Acknowledging that climate change adversely affects those communities that are less developed, HAD recognises its duty to support green innovation.

Thus, HAD developed the Action Climate Change (ACC) project, which ran in 2018.

The ACC explored how religion and faith can drive positive behavioural change, with a specific focus on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP).

The results here are amazing and prove how faith and sustainable consumption can work hand in hand.

HAD, in supporting such projects, and raising awareness about the climate crisis and the effects our everyday actions have, is fostering a sustainable, compassionate and conscious faith-based narrative on climate change that can be shared with the wider community.

How can we take that narrative to the wider community?

Nevertheless, the story does not end there. From the oldest members of our communities to the children in our families, it is our duty to educate ourselves and our communities.

We need to not only take the necessary steps to reduce our carbon footprints; moreover, we need to become more educated, conscious consumers.

Currently, Brazil is the largest exporter of halal meat. Although many people are not aware of the causes of the Amazon fires, clearing forest area for cattle ranching is one of the major causes of this.

Therefore, we need to adopt a more conscious and empathetic approach towards our planet.

We need to come together with the rest of the world. We have a moral duty to protect earth for future generations.

If you are interested in learning more about the ways HAD is contributing to the climate change debate and empowering communities to live more sustainably, click here

You can find out more about our Action on Climate Change (ACC) by clicking here

The Amazon is the lungs of our planet. We need to act now to save our planet!

Written by Charlotte Davies

Marketing and Communications Intern

Further reading:

Al-Jayyousi, O., 2019. How Islam can represent a model for environmental stewardship.UN Environment.

Harn, J A., 2019. The Amazon rainforest is burning, and Muslims must step up to help save our earth. The Muslim vibe. 

IDS News, 2019. Climate change and inequality highlighted as biggest global challenges.

Islamic Climate Change Declaration.Islamic Relief Worldwide News. 

IUCN, 2019. Signs on the Earth; Islam, Modernity and the Climate Crisis

The Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences (IFEES)