From its earliest beginnings in the Rio+ 20 conference, the Post 2015 Process has emphasised the importance of addressing rising inequality within and between nations. However, proposals for reform of the global economic system – the weaknesses of which were laid bare following the 2008 financial and economic crisis – have not advocated strongly enough for the transformative changes that are necessary for a more inclusive, socially just economic system that places human well-being rather than resource exploitation is at its core. Investing in people is imperative for a more just future.
Islamic Relief Worldwide Policy & Programmes (2015), Lessons from Islamic Finance for socially, economically and environmentally just outcomes in the Financing for Sustainable Development process , Islamic Relief Worldwide, Birmingham, [Online], Available: http://policy.islamic-relief.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Islamic-Relief_Lessons-from-Islamic-finance-for-the-FfSD-Process.pdf