
Global / Ongoing

HAD launched MDP with the aims of equipping new and existing managers so that they can individualise their approaches, understanding that each employee has unique goals aligned with overall business objectives. Enable managers to consistently uphold the organisations vision, mission and values. MDP provided managers with a toolkit to enable them to develop and engage their teams so that everyone is inspired to achieve more.

Following the completion of the MDP, participants will have the opportunity to gain the prestigious and ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management, which is equivalent to degree level.


One participant Sharif Aly went on to become first interim and then CEO for IR USA

Trained and mentored several would-be managers who then went on to manage vital departments within their humanitarian organisation

“Speaking in front of a crowd of new faces is challenging. This training has helped me to grow personally as well as professionally, enhancing my public speaking and boosting my confidence. It was one of the best training courses I have ever done, and a turning point for my professional development.”


Participants will receive ILM membership and access to the Institute’s online studying resources.

Participants gain a ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management, which is degree level equivalent.

CEO Would-be managers who then went on to manage vital departments within their humanitarian organisation

HAD launched MDP with the aims of equipping new and existing managers so that they can individualise their approaches, understanding that each employee has unique goals aligned with overall business objectives. GLOBALLY