In Gaza

This manual has been developed to support field-based capacity-building of the international and non- governmental organizational personnel from all sectors in humanitarian aiding (including protracted emergencies – in both conflict and emergency contexts) in the Gaza Strip. It can also be used to guide government actors that are involved in the design and delivery of humanitarian programs. There are three capacity-building goals. The first is that all participants understand the purpose and methods of mainstreaming protection in humanitarian emergency responses. Secondly, that they develop skills to enable them to mainstream protection. Thirdly, by demonstrating the value and importance of protection mainstreaming, participants are confident to encourage and support others to do the same. The anticipated result of these efforts is that those who used this manual adopt a protection mainstreaming approach to their coordination and program design and implementation in humanitarian emergencies. The main objectives of this manual are the illustration of the followings:

  • What protection mainstreaming in WASH responses means.
  • Relevance and value of PM to humanitarian and WASH interventions.
  • Cite examples of protection mainstreaming in relevant practices to current context.
  • The practical tools skills for the humanitarian field workers to act according to PM principles.
  • The understanding ofthe protection mainstreaming key elements in WASH project life cycle.
  • Encourage a commitment to mainstreaming protection in humanitarian response

Link to PDF:

Dr. Azzam Abu Habib, Dr. Ahmed H. Hilles (2017) Protection Mainstreaming Manual in WASH Programmes, Development Pioneers Company for Consultation, CAFOD, Palestinian Water Authority, Wash Cluster, Islamic Relief Palestine, Gaza Strip.


Dr. Azzam Abu habIb Dr. Ahmed H. Hilles


Educational Resource








Conflict, Human Development, Islamic Relief Palestine