In this paper, the author, Shakil Butt, has demonstrated this to great effect – that Islamic Relief fits this model of organisational development well and the narrative of growth dynamics and its impact on values outlined is exemplified in Islamic Relief. Now a mature organisation with a thirty year history, over 3500 employees and across forty offices in all continents, organisational dynamics once reached a tipping point, which necessitated a clearly defined articulation of where Islamic Relief is and where Islamic Relief aspired to be, in terms of its organisation values. However, programmes about the role of founders and senior leadership in setting out a vision for the organisation they formed, if not properly documented, could be jeopardised beyond their departure. The combination of founders as elder statesmen and the rapid growth in Islamic Relief was a potential ‘perfect storm’ in terms of loss of organisational values and identity. As such, the programmes and analysis of organisational values Shakil presents here is timely and its output of great importance to future organisational development.
Butt. S. (2015). The Role of Values and Their Relationship with Faith in a Faith-Based Organisation, Islamic Relief Academy, Birmingham, UK.