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So far moh has created 515 blog entries.

A religious education unit for ages 9 to 11


Beliefs and actions in the world: Can Christian Aid and Islamic Relief change the world? Office External programmes Citation Blaylock,L (2008) A religious education unit for ages 9 to 11. [Online]. Available:

A religious education unit for ages 9 to 112023-05-01T13:35:49+00:00

Jaaverslag 2009


Toen het jaar 2009 van start ging, was het offensief op de Gazastrook net begonnenn. Op de dag van de aanval had Islamic Relief een noodhulpactie gelanceerd. In Nederland was de betrokkenheid bij de slachtoffers in de Gazastrook groot. Dankzij de onmisbare inzet van onze vrijwilligers en de bijdrage van vele initiatieven in het land, verliep de actie SOS Gaza zeer succesvol. Met de inkomsten uit deze actie kon Islamic Relief Nederland niet alleen een substantiële bijdrage leveren aan de noodhulp, maar is zij tevens in staat om mee te werken aan de wederopbouw van de Gazastrook. Behalve noodhulp, stond 2009 [...]

Jaaverslag 20092023-05-01T13:33:22+00:00

Islamic Relief Annual Report 2009


During a period of considerable change, 2009 saw Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) come to the end of a successful three- year strategy, and, building on the aspirations and ideas of the whole organisation, look ahead to a new set of objectives for the next ! five years. In 2009, we marked our 25th year of working with vulnerable communities around the world. Islamic Relief has come a long way since we opened our first once in the United Kingdom in 1984 and received our first donation of 20p. Today, we raise £58 million a year, supporting 360 development projects. With our [...]

Islamic Relief Annual Report 20092023-05-01T13:29:15+00:00



Sie haben sich vor einiger Zeit entschieden, eine Patenschaft für ein Waisenkind zu übernehmen Sie haben sich vor einiger Zeit entschieden, eine Patenschaft für ein Waisenkind zu übernehmen. Damit haben Sie ein sehr gutes Werk verrichtet, das im Islam einen hohen Stellenwert hat. Dafür möchten wir Ihnen im Namen der Waisen herzlich danken! Möge Allah es von Ihnen annehmen und Sie reichlich dafür belohnen! Durch die Unterstützung unserer Paten können viele Kinder auf der ganzen Welt nun hoffnungsvoller in die Zukunft blicken. Die Erfahrung, dass ein fremder Mensch sich um sie sorgt und für sie eine Patenschaft übernimmt, erzeugt bei den [...]


Interfaith Declaration to Improve Family Health and Well-Being


We, leaders of religious institutions and faith based organizations (FBO), believe that health is a universal value held by all faiths and a universal right for human beings. Our faith traditions, spiritual values and commitment to social justice lead us to believe passionately that families should not suffer needlessly because they lack access to health services. We acknowledge the evidence that the health benefits of access to education and services, and thereby averting unintended pregnancies, can be substantial. Each year, lack of family planning services and education in developing countries results in an estimated 600,000 newborn deaths; 150,000 maternal deaths from [...]

Interfaith Declaration to Improve Family Health and Well-Being2023-05-01T11:42:42+00:00

Community-based Climate Change Adaptation in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan


Climate change is the defining human development challenge of our time. It threatens to stall poverty reduction and hard-earned progress made in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. In the countries of South Asian region, including Pakistan, the early signs of climate change are already visible. Out of the last 12 years of the last century, 11 were the hottest of the last 400 years where temperatures in Pakistan reached 53 degree C and in Finland 37 or so. These changes are already threatening the lives and livelihoods, health and well-being of millions, especially the poor and vulnerable, who lack the financial, [...]

Community-based Climate Change Adaptation in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan2023-05-01T11:35:57+00:00

Overcoming Hardship: A Visitor’s Perspectives Of Life in Mali


Mali is one of the poorest countries in the world, and that’s exactly what I kept reminding myself when I visited the country with an Islamic Relief USA delegation earlier this year. But no matter how hard I tried to prep myself mentally. There was nothing that could have prepared me for experiencing life without electricity and running water. It was a different lifestyle. Even the international airport in the country’s capital and most developed city, Bamako, didn't have running water in the airport’s only bathroom. And that was just the beginning. Office Citation Maasarani, Z. (2010). Overcoming hardship a [...]

Overcoming Hardship: A Visitor’s Perspectives Of Life in Mali2023-05-01T11:31:44+00:00

Mapping UK Muslim Development NGOs


Religions and Development Programmes Programme The Religions and Development Programmes programme (2005-2010) is working with programmes partners elsewhere in the UK and also in Nigeria, Pakistan, India and Tanzania. In addition, it has forged a non-academic partnership with Islamic Relief Worldwide, which is also based in Birmingham. In particular, it is working with Islamic Relief’s Policy and Programmes Unit. The collaboration has taken the form of a joint appointment, in order to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and programmes in both directions between the programme and Islamic Relief. As part of this collaboration, a joint project to identify the Muslim development [...]

Mapping UK Muslim Development NGOs2023-05-01T11:19:48+00:00

Working in Conflict: A Faith Based Toolkit for Islamic Relief


  The toolkit has been designed to be a practical resource for our staff and is designed to be used in tandem with existing guidelines. We hope, insh’Allah, that this toolkit will not only be used by Islamic Relief staff, but also by colleagues from other agencies who are working with Muslim communities towards building lasting peace. To this end we have included a separate ‘Introduction’ for readers who are less familiar with Islam and Muslim communities. This toolkit draws from current knowledge and best practice across the field, but approaches each area of work from an Islamic perspective and offers [...]

Working in Conflict: A Faith Based Toolkit for Islamic Relief2023-05-01T11:13:10+00:00
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