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So far moh has created 495 blog entries.

Mapping UK Muslim Development NGOs


Religions and Development Programmes Programme The Religions and Development Programmes programme (2005-2010) is working with programmes partners elsewhere in the UK and also in Nigeria, Pakistan, India and Tanzania. In addition, it has forged a non-academic partnership with Islamic Relief Worldwide, which is also based in Birmingham. In particular, it is working with Islamic Relief’s Policy and Programmes Unit. The collaboration has taken the form of a joint appointment, in order to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and programmes in both directions between the programme and Islamic Relief. As part of this collaboration, a joint project to identify the Muslim development [...]

Mapping UK Muslim Development NGOs2023-05-01T11:19:48+00:00

Working in Conflict: A Faith Based Toolkit for Islamic Relief


  The toolkit has been designed to be a practical resource for our staff and is designed to be used in tandem with existing guidelines. We hope, insh’Allah, that this toolkit will not only be used by Islamic Relief staff, but also by colleagues from other agencies who are working with Muslim communities towards building lasting peace. To this end we have included a separate ‘Introduction’ for readers who are less familiar with Islam and Muslim communities. This toolkit draws from current knowledge and best practice across the field, but approaches each area of work from an Islamic perspective and offers [...]

Working in Conflict: A Faith Based Toolkit for Islamic Relief2023-05-01T11:13:10+00:00

Keeping The Promise (Islamic Relief 2006 Annual Report)


Islamic Relief has long been known to help ease the suffering of some of the poorest and most vulnerable people around the world. But this tremendous task can not be done by one organization alone. Building on a common foundation and belief in providing humanitarian aid, Islamic Relief was proud to widen our partnerships with other organizations during 2006. Islamic Relief also expanded its relationship with The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-day Saints, to ship over $5 million of relief aid to Kenya, Ethiopia, Niger, Lebanon, Indonesia, and Bangladesh. Although emergency relief is a necessary part of the work Islamic [...]

Keeping The Promise (Islamic Relief 2006 Annual Report)2023-05-01T11:05:45+00:00

Islamic Relief USA Annual Report 2009


2009 was a year of challenges and tests for many around the world. Millions of people — including women, children, the elderly and the disabled — faced hardships not just at the hands of man but also due to the wrath of nature. From the death and destruction in Gaza, to the millions displaced in Pakistan, to those suffering from the twin earthquakes in the Pacific Rim, Islamic Relief USA responded through international partners to provide vital aid that helped rescue and stabilize the lives of more than 600,000 people. Despite our hard work, millions continued to suffer in Africa; the [...]

Islamic Relief USA Annual Report 20092023-05-01T11:00:28+00:00

Islamic Relief USA Annual Report 2011


Islamic Relief is getting ready to celebrate its 20th year of service to humanity. We’ve worked to help bring about positive change for people in need, and thanks be to God, over the years, we’ve been able to reach more people than ever before. With your continued support and with the help of our teams, this report shows some of the challenges we’ve been able to tackle and the great achievements we’ve made together during 2011. This annual report shows what great things can be accomplished when people come together for a common purpose. Through the height of emergencies, we helped [...]

Islamic Relief USA Annual Report 20112023-05-01T10:45:12+00:00

Surviving the strongest storm


Andrea, her husband and their three grown sons took shelter at a relative’s stronger, larger home when Typhoon Haiyan first hit. Parts of the roof flew off, water came in the house where they were sheltered, and she could see a tree fall on her own home in the distance. After the family thought the furious storm was over, they went back to their damaged home. They were eating when the winds struck again from the other direction. Andrea protected her her son, Raffy, who is blind and also suffers from anxiety and other symptoms left after a childhood illness. “I [...]

Surviving the strongest storm2023-05-01T10:38:10+00:00

Palestinians in Yarmouk: Refugees once again


When your home is being destroyed, and your life and the lives of your children and loved ones are threatened, you have no time to think and few choices. You have to try to get everyone somewhere safe—away from the bombing, bullets, and other immediate threats as soon as possible. But then you find yourself displaced in shelters and camps, with very little to no food, water, money, work, sanitation, or supplies. And then other threats to your children’s lives become very real, very fast, like starvation, disease and dehydration. These are threats you can’t run from … What do you [...]

Palestinians in Yarmouk: Refugees once again2023-05-01T10:30:53+00:00

Lessons from Islamic Finance for socially, economically and environmentally just outcomes in the Financing for Sustainable Development process


From its earliest beginnings in the Rio+ 20 conference, the Post 2015 Process has emphasised the importance of addressing rising inequality within and between nations. However, proposals for reform of the global economic system – the weaknesses of which were laid bare following the 2008 financial and economic crisis – have not advocated strongly enough for the transformative changes that are necessary for a more inclusive, socially just economic system that places human well-being rather than resource exploitation is at its core. Investing in people is imperative for a more just future. Office Citation Islamic Relief Worldwide Policy & Programmes [...]

Lessons from Islamic Finance for socially, economically and environmentally just outcomes in the Financing for Sustainable Development process2023-05-01T10:22:10+00:00

Does Faith Matter? An Examination of Islamic Relief’s Work with Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons


 This paper analyses the experience of an international non-governmental organisation (INGO), Islamic Relief, in working with and for refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs). Although much relief work is carried out by faith-based organisations worldwide, and although religious identity is often an important factor in understanding communities, little work has been done to examine the work of faith-based organisations in the field of development in general (see Tomalin 2006; Thomas 2005), much less in terms of refugee assistance in particular. This paper attempts to fill part of that gap by examining the work of Islamic Relief as a faith-based organisation (FBO) [...]

Does Faith Matter? An Examination of Islamic Relief’s Work with Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons2023-05-01T10:13:57+00:00

Islamic Philanthrophy, Development and Wellbeing


Islamic philanthropy has been experiencing much shifting terrain with respect to its role of promoting wellbeing. The term Islamic philanthropy is used here to refer to private goods given in accordance with Islamic ordinances of charitable giving for public purposes. Islamic philanthropy is to be differentiated from philanthropy in Muslim communities, which can be private giving for public purposes that may or may not be driven by a fulfilment of religious ordinances and which may also be organised by non-Muslim denominations living in Muslim societies. Understanding Islamic philanthropy is particularly challenging in view of the fact that most Islamic philanthropy is [...]

Islamic Philanthrophy, Development and Wellbeing2024-06-12T20:12:35+00:00
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