
Child Protection Policy


Introduction For Islamic Relief (IR), there is no greater priority than ensuring our work has the greatest positive impact on the people we serve. Inspired by our Islamic faith and guided by our values, we envisage a caring world where communities are empowered, social obligations are fulfilled and people respond as one to the suffering of others. Children are the heart of every community, and have been at the core of Islamic Relief’s work over the past 30 years. In working with vulnerable children around the world, Islamic Relief takes seriously its responsibility to uphold the protection of children, uphold children’s [...]

Child Protection Policy2023-04-29T08:25:08+00:00

Invisible Lives


How the international community is failing Syrian women refugees The brutal conflict in Syria continues to fuel the biggest global refugee crisis since World War II. Millions of Syrians have seen their communities torn apart by violence and have been forced to flee to neighbouring countries and beyond, propelled into poverty and destitution. I have seen for myself the exhaustion and desperation of Syrian refugees arriving on the shores of Greece after risking their lives to cross the Mediterranean; the despair of families in Lebanon struggling to survive as the local infrastructure struggles to cope. Women refugees face particular challenges in [...]

Invisible Lives2023-04-29T08:24:51+00:00

The Role of Faith-based Zakat in Islamic Sustainable Development


Islamic Perspectives on Sustainable Development This chapter has two objectives. The first objective explores Zakat allocation and how Faith (Iman) acts as a motivating factor for Zakat payment by Muslims. The second objective explores Zakat distribution which uncovers the possibility of distributing Zakat on sustainable development projects. This programmes is qualitative in nature and based on semi-structured interviews with five scholars in Islamic jurisprudence. Also, this study refers to documentary data and library resources. In analysing the 74 Qur’anic verses, the programmeser will refer to the Qur’anic exegesis or interpretation which is commonly known as Tafsirul-Quran. The Tafsir that is chosen [...]

The Role of Faith-based Zakat in Islamic Sustainable Development2023-04-29T07:49:07+00:00

Muslim Civil Society Organisations’ Engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals in India: Challenges and Opportunities


Islamic Perspectives on Sustainable Development This chapter is a sub-set of a wider global study that has the ultimate aim of establishing a platform for Muslim CSOs to share experience, knowledge and expertise so that they can meaningfully participate and bring their unique perspectives to the local, national and global arena where sustainable development policy and practice are at play. The purposes of this survey were to: Understand the current levels of knowledge about Agenda 2030 and the SDGs, and capacity to engage, within Muslim CSOs in India. Inform the development of a national and global Muslim CSO network to be [...]

Muslim Civil Society Organisations’ Engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals in India: Challenges and Opportunities2023-04-27T10:08:40+00:00

Integrating GBV in WASH toolkit: Lessons from Yemen


Islamic Relief Worldwide Social justice is one of the core values of Islamic Relief (IR). It is the main driver of our Gender Justice Policy. The policy indicates IR’s commitment to gender justice as an incorporated theme throughout its programmes. Deeplyrooted inequalities and power imbalances result in gender-based violence (GBV), which IR recognises as a major hindrance for achieving its development goals. Actions preventing and mitigating the risk of GBV are strategically integrated in IR’s humanitarian, development and advocacy programmes. It has integrated numerous GBV prevention activities into livelihood projects in Iraq, engaging both men and women on the moral and [...]

Integrating GBV in WASH toolkit: Lessons from Yemen2023-04-27T09:59:00+00:00



Enhancing Youth Employability in the Gaza Strip This pre-survey was implemented as a component of the “Enhancing Youth Employability in the Gaza Strip” Project. The purpose of the pre-survey was to gather baseline information that will be used for the project implementation and evaluation. It reflected the different attitudes of stakeholders towards TVET. It focused on the perceptions and attitudes of TVET students, formal education students and their parents towards TVET. It also examined the current discourses expressed about TVET by other key stakeholders in the Gaza Strip, including teachers, principals, Ministry of Labour, Ministry for Education and Higher Education, UNRWA, [...]


Selection Process of Economic Sectors and Occupations Report


Enhancing Youth Employability in the Gaza Strip Project Islamic Relief Palestine (IRPAL), in partnership with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), is responsible for the implementation of a new TVET/LM project entitled “Enhancing Youth Employability in the Gaza Strip’’ (EYE). The main aim of this project is to enhance the employability of young women and men in the Gaza Strip, through an improved and unified TVET system with public TVET centres providing trainees with high quality labour market relevant skills and employment services. One of the main outcomes of the project is establishing three Centres of Competence (CoC)1 which [...]

Selection Process of Economic Sectors and Occupations Report2023-04-27T09:40:50+00:00

Islamic Relief Syria Response 2016


Islamic Relief Syria Response 2016 The Syrian crisis has entered its seventh year, with no immediate solution in sight. Civilians continue to suffer from violence, displacement and destruction with 13.5 million people now in desperate need of humanitarian support. There are 4.6 million people trapped in besieged and hard-to-reach areas, with limited flexibility to move and restricted access to food, water and healthcare. More than half of the Syrian population have fled their homes, with a high proportion of children among those displaced. Nearly 5 million Syrians (4,898,353 and rising) have sought refuge in neighbouring countries. Moreover, the crisis is worsening [...]

Islamic Relief Syria Response 20162023-04-27T09:34:27+00:00

Climate Change and Disaster Resilience Program


Climate Change and Disaster Resilience Program Islam promotes a holistic approach to climate change and disaster resilience. It assumes a link and interdependency between all natural elements - it teaches that if humanity abuses or exhausts one element, the natural world as a whole will suffer direct consequences. With this in mind, and informed by our experience and learning, Islamic Relief in Bangladesh has adopted an integrated approach to address disaster and climate risks. In partnership with government, academic institutions, civil society, communities and the private sector, we are working to support a vibrant, thriving and resilient Bangladesh. Office http://islamicrelief.org.bd/ Citation [...]

Climate Change and Disaster Resilience Program2023-04-27T09:28:09+00:00

Portraits of Resilience


Confronting Climate Change in Bangladesh Climate induced natural hazards are emerging and are becoming a major cause of concern, particularly in the coastal and haor areas of Bangladesh. There is growing evidence that these hazards are appearing more frequently. Over the last thirty years, Bangladesh has experienced nearly 200 climate-related disasters which have accounted for around $16 billion economic losses including the damage of assets, property and livelihoods. Tackling this challenge of climate change and natural disasters Islamic Relief Bangladesh has been implementing a project titled "Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Resilience in Bangladesh" for the aected communities helping communities [...]

Portraits of Resilience2023-04-27T09:00:47+00:00
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