• “I would highly recommend HAD for any training needs you have”

    “Having recently joined the organisation, it was really important for me to understand what being a leader at IR Canada looks like and what kind of skills I really need to acquire especially in the humanitarian context” says Faghya who is the Chief Finance Officer at Islamic Relief Canada leading a team of up to[...]


    “It's a brilliant leadership programme led by some of the finest trainers out there. I've definitely learnt a lot in the short space of just a week and can really see myself applying all the skills & knowledge to my role at Islamic Relief UK.”


    “Working within the humanitarian sector could sometime feel like being in a marathon-constantly running, and sometimes without envisioning a finishing line. This course was a much-needed breathing space, where we had a chance to stop and reflect on our day-to-day job. Think about methods we instinctively adopt and means to improve and develop. One of[...]


    “As a humanitarian, my job requires me to have good communication, leadership and time management skills which ensures the work I do is of high quality and helps as many people as possible. Humanitarian work is also about building trust. My role requires me to talk to different groups of people in different ways, from[...]