
Capacity building of local NGOs supporting Syrian Refugees


The project contributed to alleviating the suffering of Syrian people by ensuring needed and quality service is delivered. It aimed at building the capacity of NGOs serving Syrian refugees by preparing trained and well-qualified staff to fulfil their roles in an effective and efficient manner. A detailed training needs assessment was conducted in Gaziantep, Turkey via a survey questionnaire, focus group interviews, one to one interviews, and telephone interviews. A total of 90 organisations participated in the TNA representing 239 individual responses. The findings provided the project with the direction and platform of what intervention was needed and required. 10 face-to-face [...]

Capacity building of local NGOs supporting Syrian Refugees2023-07-31T06:50:37+00:00

Remote capacity building of Iraq, Syrian & Yemeni NGOs to adapt to COVID-19 Context


The project aimed to support local Iraqi, Syrian and Yemeni NGOs to adapt to the COVID-19 crisis, ensuring their sustainability and business continuity in the face of this and other crises. Capacity assessments were conducted to identify areas for improvement, and the project provided training, coaching and mentoring to build the capacity of NGOs in COVID-19 response, Crisis management, Emergency preparedness, Advocacy & Communication, Policy influencing, Financial systems, Proposal writing and Fundraising, and other areas such as Human Resources development and Project Management. The project also provided tangible deliverables such as capacity building plans, advocacy roadmaps, and impact assessment tools to [...]

Remote capacity building of Iraq, Syrian & Yemeni NGOs to adapt to COVID-19 Context2023-07-31T06:53:45+00:00

Capacity Building of Local NGOs in Yemen


The project enabled LNGOs to better serve and improve the lives of vulnerable and marginalised groups in war-affected Yemen. It covered training, mentoring, and coaching in Strategic management & Planning, Networking, Resource mobilisation, Finance, and Project Management. Other areas covered included EFQM, Safety and Security, Safeguarding, Conflict resolution, Result based management, Procurement, Supply chain management, Peacebuilding, Humanitarian human resources, Proposal writing, Monitoring and  Evaluation, and Financial management basics.

Capacity Building of Local NGOs in Yemen2023-08-01T12:13:37+00:00

Youth advocacy and negotiation online training


The project contributed to increasing youth inclusiveness in COVID-19 response in Gaza. The training courses aimed at enhancing skills, knowledge, and confidence of 12 youth from Gaza in their ability to design, facilitate, and implement round-table/webinar discussions with relevant stakeholders on the COVID-19 response in OPT, through evidence-based presentations. 16 days of training were provided to 12 youth, supported by 4 days of mentoring & coaching.

Youth advocacy and negotiation online training2024-06-13T17:21:15+00:00

Sustain 2021


The project aimed to enhance the financial sustainability of CSOs in Tanzania and Kyrgyzstan by improving their ability to generate income from diverse sources, increase effectiveness of fundraising activities, and develop human capital in fundraising. The interventions included conducting a baseline study for 21 LNGOs in each country, creating a clear definition and framework of financial sustainability, developing 5 financial sustainability training modules, delivering training sessions along with mentoring and coaching to create financial sustainability plans, and enhancing the skills of local experts in delivering financial sustainability training. The training and mentoring covered topics such as financial sustainability, income generation, resource [...]

Sustain 20212023-08-01T12:16:20+00:00

Negotiation Skills & Technical Report Writing Training in Turkey


HAD provided training on Negotiation Skills and Technical Report Writing to the Libyan Ministry of Planning employees, funded by UNDP Libya. The training courses lasted one week for a total of 23 participants for each training. The training was delivered using an interactive approach, with HAD providing the training materials, pre- and post-tests and certificates of completion. Please use the following links for more information on our courses in: Negotiation Skills Technical Report Writing

Negotiation Skills & Technical Report Writing Training in Turkey2023-07-31T06:52:36+00:00

Locally Driven Support to OPT – Gaza


The project aimed to enhance the capacity of LNGOs to successfully secure funds and win projects directly from donors. This was achieved through a series of interventions, including gap and needs assessments, which identified the need for training, coaching and mentoring in both proposal and report writing. Four rounds of training were delivered to a total of 57 participants, which were further supported by coaching and mentoring in areas of identified gaps and needs. The project provided 120 days of coaching and mentoring to 116 staff members across 17 LNGOs in Gaza. A CHS workshop titled “Strengthening quality and accountability with [...]

Locally Driven Support to OPT – Gaza2023-07-31T06:52:23+00:00

Report Writing Training in Iraq


HAD delivered a 5-day Report Writing course to 16 participants from various national partners of UNMAS Iraq. The course aimed to improve the participants’ capacities in preparing and writing reports efficiently and effectively, as well as providing them with the technical skills necessary to collect, analyse, and synthesis data to include in their reports.

Report Writing Training in Iraq2023-07-31T06:54:26+00:00

Capacity Building Services for UNFPA Iraq Partners


HAD provided the initial training support to UNFPA partners to enhance their capacity for continued and effective work in new conditions, including remote working (required by COVID-19), as well as to enable them to increase efficiency in collaborating with UNFPA Iraq. Each training was tailored to the exact context of UNFPA Iraq, in terms of the technical requirements, to make it more effective. The trainings provided were: 1. Strategic Planning (2-day virtual training in Arabic), Report Writing (5-day training in Arabic), IT Training (3-day virtual training in Arabic) and Advanced Accountability, Monitoring, and Evaluation Training (3-day training in Arabic).

Capacity Building Services for UNFPA Iraq Partners2024-06-13T16:59:29+00:00

Project Management Courses to Support the Further Capacity Strengthening of National Mine Action Authorities (NMAA) in Iraq


HAD was tasked to deliver a 5-day Project D Pro training course in Arabic to a total of 28 Directorate of Mine Action (DMA) staff in Baghdad, Iraq and to IKMAA staff in Erbil as part of UNMAS Iraq Country Program Strategy. Project D Pro developed the learner’s (DMA Planning and Projects Sections) ability to apply project management concept and tools in order to deliver a more effective and efficient Mine Action response. The training prepared the participants to undertake the Project D Pro examination at the end of the course to become certified project management professionals.

Project Management Courses to Support the Further Capacity Strengthening of National Mine Action Authorities (NMAA) in Iraq2023-07-31T06:53:08+00:00
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