
Development Research Ethics in the time of COVID-19


Development Research Ethics in the time of COVID-19Ethical issues to think aboutResources for researchers to conduct ethical research Development Research Ethics in the time of COVID-19 Development Research in this blog, Research and Development Officer Dr Vanessa Malila, explores the importance and complexity of research ethics during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Humanities and social science researchers play a crucial role in epidemic preparedness and response. Their studies provide insight into the social context of outbreaks. This knowledge can help us to adapt and improve our response to outbreaks.” (Joao Rangel de Almeida) The current global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has [...]

Development Research Ethics in the time of COVID-192024-05-27T17:08:19+00:00

Coronavirus Crisis & the Future of Action on Climate Change


Action on Climate ChangeThe coronavirus pandemic ,A silver liningCleaner air in cities across the wordBack to natureTwo crises Action on Climate Change The coronavirus pandemic and global lockdowns have caused a reduction in carbon emissions, cleaner air and re-emerging wildlife, offering a glimpse into an alternative future should drastic action on climate change be taken following the crisis. The coronavirus pandemic ,A silver lining The coronavirus pandemic and strict lockdowns that followed have grounded almost all flights, significantly limited the amount of people commuting to and from workplaces and drastically reduced the amount of traffic on roads. A 6% drop in [...]

Coronavirus Crisis & the Future of Action on Climate Change2024-05-27T17:44:24+00:00

Research on Covid-19 and Faith


Covid-19 and Faith Risks and opportunities for research on Covid-19 Learning from past mistakes to prevent harm  1) Acknowledge existing expertise  2) Consider historic context and local characteristics  3) Adopt intersectional approaches Conclusion Covid-19 and Faith What do we need to take into account when planning research on Covid-19 and faith? In this blog post, HAD’s Head of Research Dr Jennifer Philippa Eggert argues that we should learn from research responses to previous crises in order to avoid past mistakes. Risks and opportunities for research on Covid-19 If someone had described the situation we are currently finding ourselves in a year [...]

Research on Covid-19 and Faith2024-06-05T12:14:59+00:00

Easing the Lockdown


Easing the LockdownWhat’s changed?ProblemsImpact on NGOsConclusion Easing the Lockdown On Sunday 10th May 2020, the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s televised address set out a provisional plan to begin easing the lockdown restrictions in England. The plan describes making gradual changes to avoid a second wave of coronavirus spreading, but Downing Street’s decision to drop the “stay at home” slogan in favour of “stay alert” has been criticised for being vague and unclear. What’s changed? The government website lists a new set of guidelines for easing the lockdown. One person from a household is now allowed to meet with one person [...]

Easing the Lockdown2024-05-27T18:37:22+00:00

5 Refugees that Impacted the World


What are refugees?Famous refugees1. Freddie Mercury2. Iman3. Sergey Brin4. Madeleine Albright 5. Khaled Hosseini What are refugees? A refugee is a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. There is a common misconception that refugees willingly leave their country in search of a better life in the western world, but that simply isn’t true. Many believe the UK accepts a lot of immigrants and asylum seekers but in reality, there are actually very few living in the UK compared to other countries and many dream to return to their home country [...]

5 Refugees that Impacted the World2024-05-27T15:31:42+00:00

Decolonising Climate Justice: An Indigenous Perspective


The link between climate justice and white imperialismValuing indigenous knowledge about natureLearning from indigenous activists in IndonesiaThe indigenous people of BorneoA focus on community and unity in betang cultureKalimantan climate activismPoliticisation of climate issuesIndigenous leadership and inclusionIndigenous voices – supplementary or essential?Western dominance on climate issuesNon-white, non-Western perspectives are often ignored altogetherDifferent traditions of activism, different approachesConcerns about Western climate-conscious lifestylesSo where to start? The link between climate justice and white imperialism Many members of class, racial and ethnic minorities in the Global North might often associate climate activism with middle-class white communities. After all, as black, brown, Muslim and/or working [...]

Decolonising Climate Justice: An Indigenous Perspective2024-05-27T18:55:59+00:00

How to Practice Mindfulness


Practice MindfulnessCreating new habitsWhat is Practice mindfulness?Advantages and benefits of practicing mindfulnessImproved focus Improved mental and psychical health Greater Resilience Stronger Relationships Enhanced Creativity 1. Mindfulness Meditation2. Observe Your Environment3. Slow Down4. Pay Attention to Routine Tasks5. Accept Your FeelingsKey points to remember Practice Mindfulness I know that probably, like me, you’ve been inundated with adverts and articles that start “COVID-19” and, like me, you’ve got to the point of thinking “not another one!” As the UK government has implemented strict lockdown measures to help slow the spread of coronavirus, I’ve been reflecting on how we can all support our mental wellbeing during these unprecedented times [...]

How to Practice Mindfulness2024-05-27T19:26:10+00:00

Coronavirus and Domestic Abuse


Coronavirus and Domestic Abuse Women are not necessarily safe in their own homes Why is this happening? Economic impact What can be done? Coronavirus and Domestic Abuse In an unequal world, crises like the coronavirus pandemic disproportionately affect women. Though recent evidence shows men are more likely to die from coronavirus, cultural and socio-economic factors impact women during crisis in other ways. In this blog, we look at the link between coronavirus and domestic abuse. With the global, rapid spread of the virus, many countries are in lockdown, encouraging people to stay home and stay safe – but homes aren’t always [...]

Coronavirus and Domestic Abuse2024-06-12T20:25:53+00:00

Managing Mental Health during the Coronavirus Pandemic


Table of ContentsManaging Mental Health during the Coronavirus PandemicGovernment guidelines and potential drawbacksTips for managing mental health during lockdownDevelop a new Routine:Take care of physical health:Laughter:Stay Connected: Managing Mental Health during the Coronavirus Pandemic The outbreak of COVID-19 has effected many aspects of all of our lives and the bad news can seem never-ending. The lockdowns and social distancing measures that governments across the world have introduced are paramount to stopping the spread of the virus, but can have a negative impact on us psychologically and many are concerned for their mental health during the coronavirus pandemic. Government guidelines and potential [...]

Managing Mental Health during the Coronavirus Pandemic2024-06-13T18:10:47+00:00

Rethinking Localisation: The Case of Muslim NGOs in the UK and France


What can we learn about localisation from Muslim NGOs?New ways of thinking about localisationDevelopments since the 1990sHumanitarian action “at home” in the form of domestic programmingFundraising offices, field offices – or both?Considering national and local particularitiesIncluding local considerations at every step of the process Muslim NGOLocalisation is one of the buzz words that have recently been dominating debates about humanitarian aid and international development. In this blog post, which is based on a presentation at the Best Practice Forum jointly organised by the MCF, MBRN and HAD, French researcher Lucas Faure (Institut d'Etudes Politiques, Aix-en-Provence) reflects on the concept by discussing [...]

Rethinking Localisation: The Case of Muslim NGOs in the UK and France2024-05-29T18:43:27+00:00
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