
Waqf Annual Report 2012


In the twelfth year of Islamic Relief’s Waqf programme, it gives me great pleasure to report on the performance of your Waqf contributions and on the life-changing support your generosity has provided. It is with the support of people such as yourself that we are able to carry out such vital work, the fruits of which can be seen in the benefit derived by the beneficiaries, who are able to gain an improved quality of life. Alhamdulillah. From our investment of the Waqf funds during the year 2011, we used the profits to fund a variety of projects in 2012: from [...]

Waqf Annual Report 20122023-05-02T08:50:51+00:00

Islamic Relief Worldwide and the Post-2015 Process


Making Islamic Perspectives Heard Building on the legacy of the Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which sought to mobilize the global community around poverty alleviation, the Post 2015 process is designed to address the underlying causes of poverty. Unlike the MDGs, the upcoming Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognize that poverty is not only a ‘developing country problem’ but a fundamental injustice that impacts all countries. The time for influencing outcomes is now. Whatever decisions are eventually made about the new goals and targets in September 2015, they will not only determine what programs are prioritized in the international [...]

Islamic Relief Worldwide and the Post-2015 Process2023-05-02T08:45:51+00:00

Waqf Sustainable Solutions


Ten Steps for Permanent Waqf Donating for Waqf is a highly righteous deed. Waqf has a great impact on society because it is an ongoing charity which provides a continuous benefit to people. It is characterised by longevity and sustainability. Allah (SWT) urged to us in the Holy Quran, in several verses, the importance of leaving behind a legacy due to its benefit to society We record that which they send before and that which they leave behind . This includes the impact of any good deed that continues to benefit others. The prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) said: “When a person dies, [...]

Waqf Sustainable Solutions2023-05-02T08:42:33+00:00

Haiti Earthquake Two Years On


The first time Islamic Relief set foot in Haiti, as an organisation, was in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake. This resulted in extremely challenging. Conditions; we were entering a new country and culture for the first time while simultaneously attempting to help its communities during their most difficult time in recent history. We set up a new office while circumventing the damage and destruction of banks, government buildings, telephone and internet providers, development agencies and suppliers. Office http://www.islamic-relief.org/ Citation Osman, M. (2012). ‘Haiti Earthquake Two Years On.’ [Online] Available http://www.islamic-relief.org/

Haiti Earthquake Two Years On2023-05-02T08:39:27+00:00

Waqf Sustainable Solutions: Sowing the seeds for a better future


Why Waqf ? Waqf in Islamic Relief Participation in the Waqf program is different from any other form of charitable activities, because Waqf means that the capital is retained forever and, moreover, allowed to grow further. This ensures the provision of a permanent and uninterrupted source of giving and income for the orphans, women, children, and vulnerable people including the elderly, the disabled and all other deprived people who are in need for help. Office http://www.irwaqf.org/ Citation Islamic Relief Waqf, Waqf Sustainable Solutions: Sowing the seeds for a better future. Islamic Relief Worldwide, Birmingham, [Online], Available: http://www.irwaqf.org/pdf/Waqf_Booklet-English_v11.pdf

Waqf Sustainable Solutions: Sowing the seeds for a better future2023-05-02T08:29:07+00:00

Waqf Future Fund: Working Towards a Better Future


Why Waqf ? A lasting gift to those in need Waqf (plural: Awqaf) is a form of Sadaqah Jariya (ongoing charity) in which a gift is donated to bring a charitable return. The original gift is invested to make a profit for the cause to which it is donated, but cannot be sold. If for example, a field is given as a Waqf, the crops and benefits derived from it can be used by the charity, while the field is held intact as the original investment. Waqf in history Since the time of the Prophet, Waqf generally took the form of [...]

Waqf Future Fund: Working Towards a Better Future2023-05-02T07:48:11+00:00

Syria Emergency Response 2013


Syria Crisis Three years of conflict, insecurity, and instability in almost all parts of Syria have resulted in a critical humanitarian crisis. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres, has described the Syrian conflict as “the worst humanitarian disaster since the end of the cold war”. The escalation of conflict across Syria has badly affected the country’s infrastructure. Schools, hospitals, roads, power stations, and water supplies have been destroyed. The continued conflict has also had a negative impact on the well being of children as they have witnessed death, trauma, destruction and suffering Office http://www.islamic-relief.org/ Citation Islamic Relief Worldwide. (2013). [...]

Syria Emergency Response 20132023-05-02T07:36:25+00:00

Syria Humanitarian Crisis: January-June 2013 Update


Unprecedented Crisis More than 2 years of unrest and fighting have created the worst humanitarian crisis in the modern history of the Middle East region. More than 6 million Syrians are in need for humanitarian aid, around 4 million people have been internally displaced, more than 1.7 million refugees have fled the country to neighbouring countries, the UN estimates around 100,000 have been killed and tens of thousands disappeared, millions of children have not received necessary vaccinations or attend schools. Moreover, basic infrastructure – houses, schools, hospitals, roads, power stations, water supply – have been destroyed or badly damaged. Normal economic [...]

Syria Humanitarian Crisis: January-June 2013 Update2023-05-02T07:32:59+00:00



Indonesia: Three years on ‘We visited an area 15 kilometres from the shoreline; it was completely destroyed. The sea had washed away houses, it had carried vessels from the ocean and deposited them on top of buildings and bridges.’ ‘It carried tractors, coaches, all types of vehicles into the middle of rice fields; it carried dead bodies everywhere. Massive concrete structures and multi-storey buildings were reduced to rubble. Every few hundred yards there were lines of corpses in body bags.’ Dr Hany El-Banna, in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, days after the tsunami Office http://www.islamic-relief.org/ Citation Islamic Relief Worldwide [n.d], ‘Tsunami Indonesia: Three [...]

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