HAD publications

At HAD, we are keenly engaged in programmesing key issues around international development and humanitarian aid.

Consequently, published programmes can inform the development sector through empirically-based, evidential programmes in the field of Islam and development and also demonstrate the positive value that faith adds to humanitarian and development work.

As we envisage widespread distribution of knowledge, our e-Library is a means to provide global access to many of our publications. These are provided as open source and are free of charge.

Please respect author copyright and refer using citations given with each publication.

HAD E-Library

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    With the needy We have an obligation to serve our two most important stakeholder, you the supporters and the beneficiaries (the people we help in the field). In this issue we will be showing you the best of both sides.[...]

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    The newsletter of Islamic Relief Pakistan edition The continuous rains from the end of July to the beginning of August 2003 paralysed life in Sindh. The provincial Government of SIndh declared emergency due the widespread heavy rains and subsequent floods.[...]

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    With the needy UK Edition Afghans struggle for peace As Afghanistan emerges from the latest chapter of its turbulent history, Islamic Relief continues its tireless work, bringing vital relief supplies to those devastated by the recent crisis. 22 years of[...]

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    The newsletter of Islamic Relief International edition Building peace and justice in Bosnia The Srebrenica and Zvornik municipalities witnessed the worst murder of Bosnian civilians by Serb Paramilitaries during the vicious Bosnian war, which ended in 1995. The most infamous[...]

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    It is with great pleasure that I present to you Islamic Relief's Project Development Booklet 2003. Once again our aim has been to highlight how much good has been achieved through your generous donations. More than ever before, the call[...]

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    With the needy UK Edition Islamic Relief convoy rolls into Baghdad Despite the dangerously volatile situation, Islamic Relief convoys have arrived in Iraq from Jordan and Syria. Islamic Relief staff are delivering aid to thousands of Iraqis in desperate need[...]

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    With the needy HRH the Prince of Wales visited Islamic Relief on 1st of November in recognition of its humanitarian aid efforts in Afghanistan at its UK Head Office in London. The visit included hearing a first hand account of[...]

  • Discover our range of publications

    Islamic Relief presents Waqf Future Fund Islamic Relief's Waqf Future Fund is aimed at reviving the great tradition of setting up a charity that continues to benefit the needy for generations to come. Popular forms of continuous charity for many[...]